Philosophy Reborn

Part V:

Naturally Unhealthy

Big Gov't, Big Ag, Big Industry

Philosophy Reborn Part 5: Naturally Unhealthy Big Gov't, Big Ag, Big Industry


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Liberal media outlets vs.

people who want better health


The war against the natural health movement is a polarizing battle between ideologies. Is organic superior to pesticide and GMO based foods? Is veganism better than eating meat? Are dietary supplements a waste of money? Is bottled water better than tap water? Do cell phones cause cancer? Are vaccines free of harm?

Can you overcome infertility by using natural health products?
Can you negate electromagnetic pollution by using natural health products?
Why is the overall health of the global population getting worse?

You'll find the answers to all of these questions in Part V.

E-Book ISBN: 978-0-9950874-3-9

Paperback ISBN: 978-0-9950874-2-2