Stan Lee Believed that Only

White Superheroes

Could Save the World

By: Shawn Alli
Posted: November 27, 2018

Image copyright belongs to Getty Images


While many Hollywood stars and liberal media outlets praise Stan Lee's life, anyone who criticizes it does it at their own risk, as Bill Maher has learned. Maher criticized Stan Lee's work and the nature of the comic book superhero industry in creating a better world. [1] And I agree with his criticism.


Sadly, Hollywood and most liberals/liberal media outlets love the superhero industry for numerous reasons:


1. It brings in huge box office, merchandising, and licensing revenues.

2. It makes people believe that only superheroes can create a better world.

3. It makes Hollywood celebrities who play the superhero characters equivalent to demi-gods in the eyes of the global public.

4. Liberals and Hollywood go together like bacon and eggs. They feed off of each other and can't be separated.

5. Liberal media outlets need to feel relevant by reviewing almost each episode of a popular TV show/movie.


Contrary to what you may believe, liberal media outlets (more or less) worship superhero characters in all forms. Sure, they criticize the movies from time to time for being tone deaf, but they support the superhero industry nonetheless.




Because they believe that they themselves are the superheroes needed to save democracy from Conservative administrations.




The progressive movement (far left, as opposed to the center left of liberals) is a bit more reluctant to support superheroes. Why? Because of the rise of Trump. Aside from his real estate deals, Trump was (more or less) made in Hollywood as another demi-god to be worshipped. And it worked. While liberals were dumbfounded on the 2016 election night, most intelligent people who are aware of how conditioning works were not surprised.


Liberals have been conditioning Americans with the superhero narrative for decades. While it worked for Trump it also worked for Obama. Obama was a liberal superhero in the eyes of the global public because that’s how liberal media outlets packaged the narrative. Sadly, his legacy didn’t live up to the hype.


Like most intelligent people, I hate the superhero industry. And yes, in the past I read comic books and watched superhero cartoons.


The superhero construct is an ideology that belongs in the garbage. And that means that most of Stan Lee's work belongs in the garbage as well. Sorry to be so blunt, but I have to call it like I see it.


But that's just the superhero narrative alone, that doesn't include the racism in the superhero industry. That's a larger issue that’s often glossed over by liberals.


We'll make new visible minority superheroes for you. Don't worry.


Stan Lee wasn't a racist. He created the Black Panther character.


Yes, Stan Lee did create the Black Panther character. But in the comic books and the movies, the Black Panther is (more or less) interested in saving/getting revenge for Africa or the black community.


Did Stan Lee create any other major visible minority characters?


What about...


Storm from the X-Men?

Luke Cage?

War Machine from the Avengers?


Sorry to burst your bubble, but those Marvel characters were NOT created by Stan Lee.


In reality, Stan Lee championed the ideology of the strong and powerful white superhero saving average Americans and poor visible minorities.


Take a look at the original and movie characters from Marvel: The X-Men, Fantastic Four, Spiderman, The Incredible Hulk, and The Avengers. What do they all have in common? They're predominantly white superheroes. War Machine doesn't even count because he's just a sidekick for Tony Stark.


Black Panther and Luke Cage were Marvel characters created to pacify black people so they could claim solidarity with these two superheroes. And more or less, it worked. The 2018 Black Panther movie was a complete success (though it was a failure to me). And Luke Cage is more of a street hero for low-income black people on the streets. Cage doesn't really save the world.


And just so you know, I'm ¼ black and 3¼ Indian.


But you don't look black. Prove it with a DNA test.


Sorry, but I'll leave that kind of stuff to White Native American US Senator Elizabeth Warren.


And what about transforming the ethnicity of white superhero characters into visible minorities?


Don't even go there. I'll boycott the brand if you try that sh*t.


Yes, liberals and racist comic book fans don't like that. It's even dangerous to talk about such things. Maybe Twitter, Facebook and YouTube would call it hate speech, or inciting hate speech. Sadly, I'm not even joking. That's how bad social media and free speech has gotten as of November 2018.


In 2015 Stan Lee did NOT support changing Spiderman’s ethnicity or sexual orientation. [2]


I say...f*ck that. Change it as much as you want.


Personally speaking, I'd love to see a black Batman (DC Comics).


I'd love to see a South Asian lesbian Wonder Woman (DC Comics).


I'd love to see a transgender Asian Spiderman (Marvel).


I'd love to see a gay Native/Aboriginal Superman (DC Comics).


And that's coming from someone who leans conservative for most issues. See, I can think outside of my ideological bubble. Liberals and progressives who refuse to think outside their ideological bubble can go f*ck themselves.


Most liberals won't call for LGBTQ transformations of major superheroes publicly. Why not? Because they don't want to piss off Hollywood and liberal comic book fans. While progressives don't mind rocking the boat, liberals are business as usual shills of Hollywood. As of November 2018, the #MeToo movement has changed almost nothing in Hollywood in any significant manner. The comedians are already in full comeback mode. Give it another year and alleged male harassers in the media won't be far behind.


But getting back to the issue, while adult comic book fans will gawk at the suggestion of changing ethnicities for their white privileged characters, there is precedent for such things.


In the cartoon DC Universe, Green Lantern is black (sometimes). He was originally created as a white superhero.


In the Marvel Avengers world, Nick Fury's character is played by Samuel L. Jackson. Fury was originally created as a white superhero.


Generally speaking, most comic superheroes are white and created by white men. Just so you know, most of the creators have passed away. I say good riddance to racist comic book writers, racist comic studios, and racist Hollywood studios.


If you're defending Stan Lee's legacy, then you're supporting racism, homophobia, and traditional gender norms. I'm talking to people who call themselves liberal or progressive. Though the argument is a bit more complex than that, I can't write an exposition for every issue. If you want to know more, feel free to read the Conspiracy Against Visible Minorities.



[1] Ramos, Dino-Ray. Bill Maher Responds To Backlash Over Comic Book Comments: "I Am Agnostic On Stan Lee" – Update. Deadline. November 21, 2018.

[2] Lee, Benjamin. Stan Lee: Spider-Man should stay white and straight. Guardian. June 23, 2015.