The Atlantic's Shadowland Series


Part 9:

The 5G Radiation Conspiracy


Part 1 of 9: Debunked "Shadowland" The Power and Danger of Conspiracies

Part 2 of 9: Debunked The Birther Issue

Part 3 of 9: Debunked The American Civil War Conspiracy

Part 4 of 9: Debunked The Teenage Conspiracy Theorist known as Ellen Cushing

Part 5 of 9: Debunked The Conspiracy Theorists are Winning

Part 6 of 9: Debunked QAnon, the Pro-Trump Conspiracy Religion

Part 7 of 9: Debunked Paranoia in American Entertainment

Part 8 of 9: Debunked One America News, Trump's Favorite TV Network

Part 9 of 9: Debunked The 5G Radiation Conspiracy


By: Shawn Alli
Posted: June 20, 2020

Atlantic Shadowland conspiracy series

Copyright Pixabay

* All individuals and organizations receive 3 full days of pre-publication notice to respond to questions.


The final article is called "Something in the Air" by Kaitlyn Tiffany.

19 page article this time? Just die already.

Tiffany starts off strong in her ideological bubble.


"In the 1970s, the bogeyman was power lines. Low-frequency electromagnetic fields were emanating from them all the time..."


Um...most parents and educators support moving students away from power line. There are studies that support it for people within 50 meters of power lines. [1] [2] [3]


And yes, I believe that wireless and cell phone radiation can have negative effects on people. See EM Radiation for Life in Philosophy Reborn Part V: Naturally Unhealthy Big Gov't, Big Ag, Big Industry.


The problem is that the 21st century as we know it can't function without 4G or 5G. We don't exactly have faraday cages around us. While I support a global internet, that support only extends to 4G. The main problem is the high frequencies. 4G has a maximum frequency of about 6Ghz while 5G has a max of about 60Ghz. A significant difference. The human body isn't naturally designed to bathe in high frequencies over generations.


I feel a conspiracy brewing.


Indeed. I believe that 5G serves many functions of the deep state. Aside from the telecommunication advances it will most likely herald the maturity of the surveillance state. Worse, it will push humans to modify their bodies with technology.


Are you not modified? What are you? A caveman?


Do I support the destruction of 5G technology? No. But if it were up to me, the era of smartphones and wireless would end. No smartphones, smart cars or smart TVs. Just radio. Everything else would need a cord to connect to the internet. But I don't advocate destroying 5G towers. I advocate shutting them down or moving off-grid. All major cities will soon be Meccas of technology. Might as well get out now.


But before the future of body modification happens, the deep state will slowly do everything to destroy our health through garbage food, garbage air, and garbage activities. Why?


A weaker population is easier to control.


Tiffany believes that the backlash of 5G towers being destroyed is due to people not having a say. That's completely false. People don't have a say in the implementation of all government policies (be it municipal, provincial/state, or federal). That's not the same thing as losing agency. People have the ability to make decisions on their own, but in this false democracy their say is worth nothing. See Philosophy of Governance & Economics in Philosophy Reborn Part I: Purpose.


But yes, there are thousands of studies that defend both sides of the issue. This is why the Peer-Reviewed system is broken. See A Broken Peer-Reviewed Process in Philosophy Reborn Part III: Science.


The rest of the article is just back and forth about the dangers or non-dangers of cell phone and wifi radiation. But yes, I support EMF shielding for pregnant women and small children and plan to buy it for myself in the future.


Shungite shielding? Jokes. I have shungite as well. Like all things, there will be snake oil salesmen selling nonsense under the promise of protection. Empircially speakaing, we can't really confirm whether the products will work. Hence, we'll just have to trust the customer reviews from


At least Tiffany is kind enough not to deny the pain that people with electromagnetic hypersensitivity feels.


The holographic universe? Jokes. I'm not a believer but I'm open to new things.



[1] Sohrabi, Mohammad-Reza, et al. Living Near Overhead High Voltage Transmission Power Lines as a Risk Factor for Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: a Case-control Study. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol. 11, Iss. 2, February 2010.

[2] Sermage-Faure C., et al. Childhood leukaemia close to high-voltage power lines – the Geocap study, 2002–2007. British Journal of Cancer, Vol. 108, Iss. 9, May 2013.

[3] Cavarretta, Francesco, et al. Effects of low frequency electric fields on synaptic integration in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons: implications for power line emissions. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, Vol. 8, Iss. 310, October 2014.