The Atlantic's Shadowland Series


Part 8:

One America News,

Trump's Favorite TV Network


Part 1 of 9: Debunked "Shadowland" The Power and Danger of Conspiracies

Part 2 of 9: Debunked The Birther Issue

Part 3 of 9: Debunked The American Civil War Conspiracy

Part 4 of 9: Debunked The Teenage Conspiracy Theorist known as Ellen Cushing

Part 5 of 9: Debunked The Conspiracy Theorists are Winning

Part 6 of 9: Debunked QAnon, the Pro-Trump Conspiracy Religion

Part 7 of 9: Debunked Paranoia in American Entertainment

Part 8 of 9: Debunked One America News, Trump's Favorite TV Network

Part 9 of 9: Debunked The 5G Radiation Conspiracy


By: Shawn Alli
Posted: June 20, 2020

Atlantic Shadowland conspiracy series

Copyright Pixabay

* All individuals and organizations receive 3 full days of pre-publication notice to respond to questions.


The next article is called "Trump's Favorite TV Network Is Post-parody" by Devin Gordon.
It's basically about what Trump likes to watch.



Don't worry, we're getting near the end of the series.


So...this will be an article about trolling what Trump watches? Oh dear. I almost wonder if liberals are shooting themselves in the foot as they research Trump. The deep down the rabbit hole, the more warped they are.


And that's Q's plan for liberals.




Apparently, the entire article is about the relationship between President Trump and the One America News Network, a name that I’ve never heard of until reading this article (nor do I have any interest in watching it). According to Wikipedia, it's little more than a conservative echo chamber more loyal to Trump than Fox News. Okay. And that's different from the liberal echo chamber of Politicians like echo chambers, some more than others. And that warrants an 11 page article...why?


So many questions and so little answers. The life of a conspiracy theorist.


Basically, it's liberal media outlets vs. conservative ones. Each tries to get the edge on each other and debunk each other's stories. And that’s news...why? Both Fox News and CNN have a strong playbook in how to win audiences. Competition is the second fundamental ideology of capitalism. The first is profit at all costs.


"I spent hours watching OAN, and the whole time I found myself yearning for the skill and professionalism of Fox News."


Jokes. I remember watching months of three hours of Alex Jones every day in the past. It was a phase that I regret. But I was able to make a comedy compilation out of it. See Alex Jones: Comedy 101.


Liberal media outlets demonize and overhype the threat from alt-right protests, while underplaying the threat of liberal protests. Conservative media outlets overhype the threat of liberal protests while underplaying the threat of alt-right protests. Both are trying to shape the narrative relative to their ideologies. Fair is fair.


In a request for comment I ask Devin Gordon:


3. Do you believe that One America News Network and Breitbart News should be censored from YouTube and Facebook? Including banning, demonetizing, and altering the algorithm to make these videos more difficult to find?


He doesn't reply.


And the article goes on. "Some of the male anchors should not be dressing themselves."


Jokes. But shaming people for their choice of clothing isn't cool.


And now Gordon insinuates that One America News can be a vector for "the terrible and all-powerful Russian government." Sigh. I wonder if liberal media outlets will ever get over their Russia hard-on. Trump won 2016 because of Hollywood and tapping into the anger of the American people. Everything else is insignificant and worthy of the title of a conspiracy theory.


I wouldn't be surprised if most of the Shadowland journalists believe that the Russian government will undo the false democracy in America. See Philosophy of Governance & Economics in Philosophy Reborn Part I: Purpose.


In a request for comment I ask all authors of the Shadowland series:


2. Do you believe that any of these statements are true?

a) I believe there's a conspiracy to build a secret surveillance state in America.

b) I believe there's a conspiracy to intentionally disempower women and visible minorities in America.

c) I believe that the Russian government had a significant effect in the 2016 US election.


I sent my request for comments to all eight Atlantic journalists. None of them respond. 3 days/72 hours is enough time to respond. Hence, they intentionally didn't respond. That hurts (no sarcasm intended). I've gotten request for comments from climate change scientists who know the article is critical of their work. But liberal journalists can't bother to respond? You wonder why you've lost the trust of people? It's because you stopped responding and stayed comfortable in your ideological bubble. I'm just trying to awaken both sides (crazy liberals and crazy religious people) to the full consequences of their ideologies and ask whether those ideologies will empower humanity.


Well...there's my defensive reaction to not getting a response to my questions. Of course we can do deeper into psychology and see that I’m hurt for not being recognized as a writer (which is true). Hence, my aggression towards those who...wait for it...ignore me. The worst thing you can do to someone is ignore them. All visible minorities knows this feeling. That our pain is less than that of White people.


Playing the race card? Bastard.


Of course, all of this can be a ploy to manipulate the sympathy of the reader.


He's hurt and not being recognized. I'm going to buy one of his philosophy books on Amazon.


You gotta learn how to play the game. Remember, there's no right or wrong when it comes to unfalsifiable ideologies. There are only different points of view. And by debating those ideological constructs we should be able to enhance the level of development for humanity. But censoring those views (and supporting that censorship) will never lead to progress. Ever.


5000 years later and we're still no closer to solving sexism, racism, and inequality. Stop playing the role of a pawn and step outside of your ideological bubble.


But getting back to the article, I must say...this is the least interesting one of the series. Hence the reason why I planned to fill it with request for comment responses.


"But during Barack Obama's second term, the post-truth pendulum swung back hard, from left to far right, from parody to propaganda, from Obama doctrine to Trumpism."

The answer is already in the claim. The pendulum will eventually swing back in the liberal direction. So stop your b*tching and let us have our limited moment.

"...for the time being, let's savor a virtue of the network that just about everyone can acknowledge: It's unwatchable."


The One America News YouTube channel has over 100 million views. Almost the same number as the Atlantic's YouTube channel. Clearly, it's watchable. I can't remember how many views Alex Jones' YouTube channel had before it was taken down. But I wouldn't be surprised if it dwarfed both numbers.


One America News is an alternative conservative media outlet (like Breitbart News) that will compete with alternative liberal media outlets like Vice News and the Young Turks. Fair is fair. Compete and attack each other to your heart’s content. Try to do it within ethics, but if you don't, we understand.