Conspiracy Theories 101 Series

Part 10 of 12:

The Conspiracy Against

Visible Minorities

Part 4


Conspiracy Theories 101 Series Part 1 of 12: Introduction

Conspiracy Theories 101 Series Part 2 of 12: The Deep State

Conspiracy Theories 101 Series Part 3 of 12: Conspiracy Theorists - Part 1 and Part 2

Conspiracy Theories 101 Series Part 4 of 12: Pedophile Rings

Conspiracy Theories 101 Series Part 5 of 12: The Surveillance State

Conspiracy Theories 101 Series Part 6 of 12: The Banking State

Conspiracy Theories 101 Series Part 7 of 12: The Environmental Movement

Conspiracy Theories 101 Series Part 8 of 12: Breaking Up the Family Unit

Conspiracy Theories 101 Series Part 9 of 12: The Conspiracy Against Women - Part 1 and Part 2

Conspiracy Theories 101 Series Part 10 of 12: The Conspiracy Against Visible Minorities - Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3 and Part 4

Conspiracy Theories 101 Series Part 11 of 12: The Media - Part 1 and Part 2

Conspiracy Theories 101 Series Part 12 of 12: The Stigma of Being a Conspiracy Theorist - Part 1 and Part 2


By: Shawn Alli
Posted: October 10, 2017
Updated: July 2, 2022

Conspiracy Theories 101 Series

Full resolution jpg


*This article was updated in July 2022 because the original web pages were too large to be indexed by Google.


*Note: All individuals and organizations receive 3 full days of pre-publication notice.


*Note: By Jewish people/Jews, I'm referring to Israeli ethnicity, not Judaist believers.


*Note: The use of the terms genotype and phenotype is not in their proper scientific use, but it will suffice for mainstream science.


*Note: All dollar figures are in US dollars unless specified otherwise.


*Note: I use the term liberal trifecta to refer to liberals in general, liberal/progressive/neo-liberal media outlets, and Democrats.



Global Aid



And now we get to the super sensitive topic of Aboriginals. If you're not in the know, let me refresh your memory. Colonials of the past nearly wipe out Aboriginals/Natives in North America with germs and mass genocide.


After the Enlightenment period, the Canadian government decides not to kill Aboriginals directly, but do it culturally through residential schools. Residential schools take place from the mid 1800s at the hand of John A. McDonald (Canada's first prime minister), and only ends in 1996.


And just to piss off liberals and Aboriginals from the get go, I need to let you know that there are positive and negative aspects of residential schools for Aboriginals. What? It was all horrible. You're a horrible uneducated person. No, I'm not. I worked in Northern Aboriginal communities in the past. I know what the f*ck I'm talking about (unlike do-gooder liberals). Allow me to explain.


In the beginning and up to the 1970s-'80s, residential schools were hell with the intentional cultural destruction of Aboriginal culture. That's the negative part. That's not up for debate.


However, after the 1970s-80s, some priests in the Catholic Church who administered the residential school system decided not to enforce the cultural genocide policy. The policy was still on the books at that time, but they didn't enforce it. What was the result? A regular education with positive experiences (more or less since we're dealing with the Catholic Church).


Just to be clear, I'm not saying that residential schools had good intentions in the past or present. The intentions have always been to disempower Aboriginals. The Catholic priests of the past choose to carry out that intention. Some of the priests in the '70s-'90s chose not to carry out that intention. That's the difference.


I know it sounds unbelievable. Liberal media outlets in Canada only claim that the negative exists. They're wrong. They're just saying that because they feel guilty for their role in enabling cultural genocide.


Remember, media outlets are more a less a product of their time in the past. The racism in liberal media outlets in the past run very deep. Their political correctness and advocacy for visible minorities is due to their liberal ideologies. But it's also due to their past guilt in upholding the racist infrastructure at the time.


How do I know about the positive experiences from Aboriginals in residential schools? Because I lived in Northern Aboriginal communities for a time. They told me their stories directly. They don't say it publicly because that's not the message that liberal media outlets want to hear.


More often than not, it's easier to give the people what they want instead of the truth. It's disingenuous, but understandable given the harsh life Aboriginals have faced in the past, present, and will continue to face in the future.


And now we can move forward in the claim that GSIGs (via WE governments) intentionally want to disempower Aboriginals in the past, present, and future. Why would they want to do so? I actually don't know the answer. I have a feeling, but no evidence to back it up.


Generally speaking, Aboriginals don't pose a threat to anyone. There are very few Aboriginal terrorists (aside from eco-warriors). Aboriginal spirituality isn't a threat to any other religion. If you think that today's Aboriginals believe in the sacredness of the land, you've never lived in an Aboriginal community.


You don't want to see the amount of garbage, maggots, rotting meat, sh*t, and sexual abuse in Aboriginal communities. It's not pretty. But it's more or less glossed over by liberal media outlets. That's not what we're selling. We're selling Aboriginals as victims for life.


As I've mentioned many times in past articles. Yes, you can be a victim of physical, emotional, cultural, and mental abuse. But in the 21st century, that doesn't mean that you have to be a victim for life. In the digital age, your ability to empower yourself and go beyond your conditioning has never been stronger.


But if you listen to feminists and liberal media outlets, you'll stay a victim for life. And that's not growth. If you want to grow, you need to face your trauma, find meaning in it, and move forward. How you do that is your business.


If you don't know where to start I recommend radical dualism (see Philosophy of Mind in Part I and Autoimmune Diseases for Everyone in Part IV).


Getting back to Aboriginal spirituality/culture, it's more or less dead today. Yes, Aboriginals will put on their drum dances and argue that their culture is alive and strong, but I would argue the point. I know some Aboriginal communities where Catholicism is mixed into Aboriginal culture and has now become part of its culture. I'm not judging. I'm just saying. It's not right or wrong. It's just an observation.


And while many Aboriginal communities would argue their strong culture, I would question what it's relative to. Does your culture have deep roots relative to the culture 10 years ago? How about 50 years ago? How about 100 years ago? How about prior to Colonial contact?


Is Aboriginal culture today as strong and deep rooted as it was prior to Colonial contact? And the honest answer is no. It's not even close to it. Nor is it even a shadow of it. Why not? Because even the shadow has been lost due to the intentional GSIG conspiracy to suppress Aboriginal empowerment in the past, present, and future.


The only way to get those deep roots back is not through books or talking with elders. It's through Aboriginal spirituality. But what is Aboriginal spirituality? What are the defining ideologies of Aboriginal spirituality?


Unfortunately, no book or person can give you that answer. It can only come from within, through spiritual experiences. Again, if you're lost I recommend radical dualism. You only need an honest desire to better oneself. Everything else can be learned.


Aboriginals need to remember that there's no amount of money/settlements that can stop the suicides in the community.


There's no amount of social programs that can stop the chronic sexual abuse in the community.


There's no amount of biased sympathetic reporting from liberal media outlets that will help lessen the pain.


There's no amount of government regulation that will enable better relationships between Aboirginals and various levels of government.


You can't really help someone if they don't know who they are. Everything has to begin with the individual. The desire to better oneself. If this desire is forced by white people and liberal media outlets, it won't be genuine.


Real change starts with one person and can snowball into an avalanche. It's up to Aboriginals if they want to better themselves and their communities or live in the current welfare system that exists.


And to my Canadian taxpayer friends, you don't want to know how your taxpayer money is being spent in Aboriginal communities. It will only cause more headaches. Again, significant change won't come from political legislation or from anonymous donors giving Aboriginals money.


The desire to better oneself and face past trauma is not an easy decision. But it's the only way Aboriginals can move forward. Non-Aboriginals can only give Aboriginals the tools they need to get to this decisive point. Everything else is up to them.


But maybe I'm moving too fast. Allow me to show you the evidence that proves the conspiracy of GSIGs suppressing Aboriginal empowerment in the past and present:


...To the Frenchman in Canada the Indian became a purveyor of raw furs, a backwoods fighter of great skill, and a soul to be saved.

...the Jesuits had given up the seminary experiment [in the 1600s] "for good reasons, and especially because no notable fruit was seen among the savages"...

...theorists and pedagogues in France...professed to believe that the primitive Indian, seeing the material advantages of European civilization would seek to emulate the Europeans...

...They had no real interest in the Indian as a human being, except insofar as he contributed to the material wealth of the colony...

...The treaty system was quite frankly a policy of expediency. It was designed to forestall between the Indians and whites over land, to facilitate the spread of white settlements, and to maintain the traditional military alliance with the Indians. It was not intended to help the Indian adjust himself culturally or economically.

...The bitter destiny towards which they move is cultural extinction, or to put it more mildly, cultural assimilation. [82] (1952 article)


Nutritional experiments were carried out on malnourished aboriginal people in the 1940s and '50s with the federal government's knowledge…

...Instead of improving the food available to all 300 Cree in Norway House, the doctors decided to give nutritional supplements to just 125.

Two years later, researchers noted an improvement in the health of the group given the vitamins.

Recent research by Canadian food historian Ian Mosby revealed that at least 1,300 aboriginal people — most of them children — were used as test subjects in the 1940s and '50s by researchers probing the effectiveness of vitamin supplements.

...Subjects were kept on starvation-level diets, and given or denied vitamins, minerals and certain foods. Some dental services were also withheld because researchers thought healthier teeth and gums might skew results. [83]


The Law Society of Upper Canada said this week these issues were "exposed" in the discipline case of Kenora lawyer Douglas Keshen, who faced a number of allegations pertaining to residential school survivors seeking compensation from the federal government for the years of abuse they suffered.

On Tuesday, after about 26 hearing days, the regulator announced that both sides had come to an agreement and that it was putting a stop to the discipline hearing.

Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler of Nishnawbe Aski Nation, which represents 49 First Nations communities in northern Ontario, told the Star he was very disappointed with the outcome in the Keshen case, saying survivors have told him that they feel "like they’ve been left hanging."

"I would say the law society was more interested in protecting the interests of Doug Keshen, rather than the survivors," he said. [84]


As I've said many times before, the justice/legal system in WE countries is garbage. Granted, it's better than nothing, but it's still garbage. Take a look at sexual assault, defamation, or criminal cases and you'll see the futility of a garbage justice system.


Generally speaking, if you have enough money and can hire the most expensive lawyer, you’ll be okay. And that's not justice. That's merely the appearance of justice. The fact that you even need a lawyer is only because the justice system is mercilessly complex. Why is it complex? Because it's an archaic system designed to benefit corporations, GSIG interests, and screw you over in every way imaginable.


Don't believe me? Take a look at the military courts. In the US it's the Uniform Code of Military Justice. This banana court was created in 1950. How was it created? Out of thin air. Under various constitutions, politicians can create courts and justice systems out of thin air with a new bill, votes, and presidential signature.


And what do these courts do? They merely interpret/reinterpret law based on society at the time. Courts have no power to actually create laws. That job goes back to the incompetent and corrupt politicians. That's not justice.


Even the separation of civil and criminal is a joke. While someone can lose a criminal case, they can win in a civil suit, all because of two different standards of evidence. That's not justice. That's merely the appearance of justice. The fact that you see the separation of civil and criminal court as normal is powerfully disturbing. But then again, that shows you the power of GSIG conditioning.


If I could, I would love to crush the current justice system. But I don't have that kind of power. At best, I can crush some organic cherry tomatoes in the backyard. To be fair, one person or a select group of people shouldn't have that power.


That power should only reside with the people, not incompetent and corrupt governments, courts, and judges speaking for the people. And the only way that the people can change the justice system is in a skoparxism government (see Philosophy of Governance & Economics and Philosophy of Law in Part I).


Oddly enough, a person's word no longer has any meaning anymore. In the past, a person's word had value. If you break it, you won't be doing business with anyone. But today, words mean almost nothing. Today, we have to create contracts and legislative bills in order for words to mean something. And even with the contracts and legislation, it's meaningless without enforcement/action.


As a society, we've gone from valuing our word/keeping our promise to words having no significant value, either out loud or on paper. This means that our growth and development as a species is moving backwards, not forwards. Technology is merely covering up our lack of growth and backwards regression.


As always, it's up to you if you want to do something about that. If you're not sure where to begin I recommend radical dualism (see Philosophy of Mind in Part I and Autoimmune Diseases for Everyone in Part IV.


But let's get back to conspiracy against Aboriginals in the present:


RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson conceded before a group of First Nations leaders on Wednesday that there are racists inside his police force, a surprising admission welcomed by indigenous people, who say it is key to addressing the crisis of missing and murdered indigenous women.

"I understand that there are racists in my police force. I don't want them to be in my police force," Paulson said to chiefs and other First Nations delegates...

..."We encounter racism every single day," said Grand Chief Doug Kelly, leader of the Sto:lo Tribal Council in British Columbia. "Some of the worst racists carry a gun and they carry a badge authorized by you, Commissioner Paulson, to do the work." [85]


...Evergreen Certificates, targeted in a report this month from B.C. Auditor General Carol Bellringer that found a "racism of low expectations" in B.C. public schools. And they are fast becoming a flashpoint in the debate over aboriginal education in this province.

Bellringer said aboriginal students are being held back, prevented from achieving higher graduation rates, because the system just doesn't expect much from them.

She notes that a disproportionate number of school completion certificates are handed to First Nations students in B.C. every year. Also known as Evergreen Certificates, they're a recognition of scholastic effort, rather than baseline achievement required for high school graduation.

Evergreen Certificates are not diplomas. They "do not give access to post-secondary education" nor are they "the equivalent of a graduation certificate in the job market," notes the auditor general. [86]


Allow me to be clear. If you have low expectations for your child, don't expect great stuff. Expect low to average character/actions. Yes, the child/adult can go beyond their conditioning via consciousness, but whether they'll do so is unknown. Under the current circumstances and conditioning, it's highly unlikely.


But let's continue with the GSIG conspiracy against Aboriginals:


The economic crisis on many of Canada's Indian reserves has become a meal ticket for the "Indian industry" — an army of consultants, lawyers and accountants who are sucking hundreds of millions of dollars out of First Nations and from federal government coffers.

One-quarter of the country’s 616 First Nations are in trouble, many of them crippled by "unmanageably high" debt. Ottawa has resorted to dispatching the Indian industry to partly or completely take over 83 of the 157 most indebted First Nations.

...This, even though the federal government gives about $7 billion a year to First Nations and has added 2,000 bureaucrats to Indian Affairs over the past 15 years.

...This despite decades of criticism and recommendations from entities including the Auditor General of Canada, the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples and the United Nations Human Rights Council, conditions on Canada's reserves remain a blight on the country. [87]


$7 billion a year and the situation is still a complete wreck? And that's just for one year. And that's from a 2010 article.  And that doesn't include billion dollar Aboriginal settlements (all from Canadian taxpayer dollars). Oh dear god.


As I say time and time again, Canadian taxpayers really don't want to know how their money is spent in Aboriginal communities. As Canadian taxpayers, you have a right to know, but you really don't want to know. It will only cause more anger and headaches.


Again, there's no amount of money, be it millions, hundreds of millions, or even billions that can solve the problems in Aboriginal communities. Why not? Because there's a GSIG conspiracy to disempower visible minorities (especially Aboriginal and Black people). The quicker you realize this, the quicker significant actions can be taken to rectify these issues.


The situation is so bad for Aboriginals that corporations and all levels of government have to do damage control on a regular basis in order to prevent racist actions/the appearance of racist actions that keep popping up in their current treatment of Aboriginals. Don't believe me? See for yourself:


A Canadian Tire employee seen getting physical with an Indigenous customer refusing to leave a store in Regina is no longer with the company, a spokesperson says.

Kamao Cappo, an Indigenous elder, said he was shopping for a chainsaw when the employee accused him of stealing.

Cappo disagreed and refused to leave the store. He posted two videos to social media that show the exchange with the worker growing increasingly heated.

At one point, the employee is seen pushing Cappo up against a shelf. He then pushed him toward the exit, with Cappo sliding on his feet. [88]


Canada's Minister of Public Safety says he's concerned Indigenous people in Thunder Bay, Ont., appear to have lost faith in the city's police service.

Last month chiefs representing more than 70 First Nations in northern Ontario called on the RCMP to take over investigations into the deaths of Indigenous people in Thunder Bay. The call came after a seventh Indigenous teen was found dead in a river in the city. [89]


A City of Montreal employee mistakenly destroyed earlier this week an Indigenous totem meant to be part of the First Peoples' Festival, sparking anger on social media.

"How could they so easily tear up and destroy what was clearly a work of art that was practically finished?" said Jalette. [90]


The man in charge of Montreal's 375th anniversary celebrations is apologizing that a commercial for the festivities depicts only white people.

Nakuset, co­chair of the Montreal Urban Aboriginal Community Strategy Network, said the video doesn't reflect the reality of Montreal.

"I think people don't know there are 26,000 urban Aboriginal Montrealers. We are here, and we are multitalented, doing all different kinds of work...and yet, people don't recognize us," she said.
... "We were not consulted. Our projects were put forward, and they were denied," she said.


Montreal's La Ronde amusement park says it has removed a carousel horse depicting an Indigenous man’s severed head in a bag.

The move comes after several complaints, including one by a resident of the Kahnawake Mohawk reserve near Montreal who shared a photo of it online this week. [91]


Generally speaking, the most racist Canadian cities to Aboriginals and visible minorities in general are Thunder Bay, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Regina, and Montreal. And the conspiracy against Aboriginals continues:


No criminal charges will be laid against five so-called "Proud Boys" who disrupted a Mi’kmaq ceremony in downtown Halifax on Canada Day, the Royal Canadian Navy says.

Rear-Admiral John Newton said Thursday that an investigation has wrapped up with no further actions taken against the members, although they remain on probation and must adhere to unspecified conditions.

...The "Proud Boys" — known for matching black polo shirts often worn by members — was founded in the U.S. by Gavin McInnes, a Canadian who helped establish Vice Media and is now an outspoken, right- wing political pundit.

...A Facebook post from the Proud Boys Canadian Chapters Thursday struck a triumphal and defiant tone in reaction to the navy's actions.

"We win, our brothers in the Halifax 5 are returning to active military duty with no charges, let the SJW (Social Justice Warriors) tears pour," it said. "Proud of our boys." [92]


When the Canadian Armed Forces don't care if their soldiers disrespect Aboriginal customs, enough to warrant punishment, that's how you know that the Canadian government doesn't give two sh*ts about Aboriginals. They just have to appear as if they care for the sake of appearances. As a former member of the Canadian Armed Forces (private recruit) I apologize to Aboriginals that no punishment occurs.


And the discrimination against Aboriginals continues:


Auditors got suspicious when invoices showed a mental-health professional working with Indigenous patients had billed Health Canada for more than 28.5 hours of counselling in a single 24-hour period.

After painstaking analysis of hundreds of invoices, Health Canada abruptly terminated its agreement with the woman late last year when auditors reported she had overbilled taxpayers for up to $360,255.

...But a heavily censored 46-page audit report, dated May 31, 2016, shows the woman was paid to counsel residential-school survivors and others in the Ontario region. The report says it's unlikely she actually provided all the services claimed for all her patients.

It's the ninth case since 2009 involving Health Canada overpayments for health services allegedly provided to First Nations and Inuit patients, who are not covered under provincial or territorial health plans.

The latest overbilling brings the total overpayments reported to Parliament to more than $12 million in the last seven years... [93]


The death of another indigenous teenage girl from a Thunder Bay group home has intensified demands by First Nations leaders for an inquest into why their children are dying while in child protection.

Due to a lack of mental health and child protection services in northern Ontario, many youth are taken out of their communities and placed in group homes hundreds of kilometres away from their families.

...All of Ontario's chiefs passed a resolution last week at a special assembly in Gatineau, Que., demanding an inquest be held because of the disparity in child welfare services for children who live on-reserve compared to kids who live in non-First Nations communities. [94]


In a ceremony honouring leadership on Indigenous issues at Rideau Hall, Gov. Gen. David Johnston has apologized for calling Indigenous people immigrants to Canada.

Johnston was referring to his comment during an interview with CBC Radio's The House Saturday. "We're a country based on immigration, going right back to our, quote, Indigenous people, unquote, who were immigrants as well, 10, 12, 14,000 years ago," he said.

A firestorm of criticism on social media ensued as some said the comment revealed a deep-seated colonial mentality. [95]


Ottawa police Sgt. Chris Hrnchiar will be demoted to constable for three months and will undergo sensitivity training for making racist online comments about the death of Inuk artist Annie Pootoogook.

Hrnchiar pleaded guilty in November to two counts of discreditable conduct under the Police Services Act. One charge relates to knowingly using racist comments and the other centres on commenting about an open investigation.

In September, a few days after Pootoogook's body was identified, Hrnchiar posted from his Facebook account in the comments section of an Ottawa Citizen story that her death "could be a suicide, accidental, she got drunk and fell in the river and drowned, who knows."

In a second post, Hrnchiar wrote "much of the Aboriginal population in Canada is just satisfied being alcohol or drug abusers."

...In issuing the penalty, Kelly also pointed to Hrnchiar's 30-plus years of exemplary service. [96]


Even 30 years of service doesn't negate a person's racism. Closet racism is a very real issue. Most people are smart enough not to get caught. And in their minds, they’re not racist.


Personally, I believe that racists in WE society are moving to the point where if someone calls you a racist, they'll eventually be able to respond with so what. And that's powerfully disturbing. That's a step backwards in the growth and development of humanity. We're not there yet. But I feel that it's coming.


And the GSIG conspiracy against Aboriginals continues:


People in the small Dene community of Wrigley, N.W.T., want to know why two brand new homes have been sitting empty in their community for more than a year, despite a serious housing shortage.

It's a situation even the N.W.T. Housing Corporation admits doesn't make sense.

The new houses are "market units," reserved for professionals who can afford market rent, which is set at about $1,600 a month.

..."So we have people living in houses with mould conditions, and rotting floors and walls, and third-world conditions, yet there are these units around Wrigley that are brand new and empty. And there are even homeless people in Wrigley."

...However, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation only provides operation and maintenance funding for 2,800 public housing units in the territory, so every time a new unit is added, the Housing Corporation has to remove another, Williams said. [97]


The couple, along with their five grandchildren, were evicted from their four bedroom unit this past September.

...In January, the N.W.T. rental officer issued a decision ordering them to pay accumulated rent arrears of $41,708.54 or face eviction.

...There were 10 people living in their four­bedroom unit. The couple care for five grandchildren; the youngest is one and a half years old.

...Once they left their housing unit, the couple attempted to stay with their older son, who also lives in public housing.

...Adzin says public housing officials had found out they were staying with him and warned her son that he and his family could also face eviction if they remained in the residence.

Adzin says most relatives and friends that they can rely on also live in public housing. She says she is afraid of telling anyone where she stays for fear of getting them into trouble with the housing authority. [98]


While I try not to speak ill of people, sometimes it's unavoidable. I hope that most of the NWT housing officials burn in their white Christian hell. And the racial discrimination against Aboriginals continues:


Around 1 a.m. on January 29, Barbara Kentner was walking with her sister Melissa on a residential street in Thunder Bay, Ontario, when a dark grey car with tinted windows drove past them.

An object was lobbed out the window and the sisters say they heard one of the passengers shout, "I got one."

Many Indigenous residents report having bottles and eggs thrown at them. More troublingly, many say they can't go to the police with their concerns, because the police won't take them seriously — or might, in some cases, be part of the problem. [99]


"There's certain incidents when I was with a group of friends and we got pulled over and (it's) 'Everybody get out of the vehicle and get on the ground, on your knees, this and that' and you know, I'm just coming home from work," said Karmen James Omeasoo, an Indigenous hip-hop artist who goes by the name Hellnback and works with at-risk children in remote communities. Omeasoo said he's been pulled over by police whenever he drives around with a group of friends, but it's something he has become used to.

"It's so normal that I don't look at Winnipeg as a racist city because it's just like it's almost just normal," he said. "That's just the normal-ness of it." [100]


The study suggests aboriginal people experience racism from health-care workers so frequently that they often strategize on how to deal with it before visiting emergency departments, or avoid care altogether.

Some doctors have been compassionate, she says, but others have been rude — kicking her bed when they want her attention, or asking if she drinks or does drugs. She hasn't had any alcohol for two decades.

"You go to a clinic, and they don't treat you as a human being. You're somebody that's wasting their valuable time, that they could be spending on somebody more deserving of the health-care system," says McFadden.

"If I'm somebody with white skin — if I'm somebody that looks like their relative, their auntie, their grandmother — I don't believe they would treat me that way." [101]


To all of the racist doctors in the Canadian government healthcare system, you can burn in your white Christian hell as well. Aboriginals need to realize that government, police, doctors, hospitals, public institutions, and most of the white people that run the operations dont care about you. They only care for the sake of appearances.


It doesn't matter how many Aboriginal suicides occur on reserves or in child protection. They simply don't care. I know it's a hard pill to swallow, but realizations are never easy. Even with all of the inquires, commissions, and death of Aboriginals, almost nothing has changed. Still don’t believe me about the GSIG conspiracy against Aboriginals? Don't worry, there's always more evidence:


Asubpeeschoseewagong First Nation, also known as Grassy Narrows, often makes headlines for its fight against the mercury poisoning. But few have heard of a tiny community called Wabaseemoong, also called Whitedog, just downstream.

Located approximately 100 kilometres northeast of Kenora, the community still grapples with the lingering effects of the methylmercury poisoning — a condition known as Minamata disease — which many blame for birth defects that appear in children in their community.

...Kimberly McDonald, 31, of Wabaseemoong First Nation, describes the burning discomfort in her feet as phantom pain. She was born without toes — just small stubs without nails.

...For the pain she must endure for the rest of her life, McDonald receives $250 a month from the Mercury Disability Board, a government­controlled body that determines who is suffering from mercury poisoning and the compensation they'll receive on a monthly basis. [102]


On Jan. 22, 2015, Maclean's magazine published a story that labelled Winnipeg the most racist city in Canada. The story elicited a mix of criticism and praise from people across the country.

Almost a year on, what's changed?

..."There hasn't been a lot of institutional change, but there's been a lot of committees formed, there's been a lot of open dialogues, mayoral forums. But for the most part, the institutional change will take a much longer time." [103]


But Trudeau, whose government earlier this year adopted a United Nations resolution recognizing the right of Aboriginal groups to "free, prior and informed consent" on economic projects in their territories, said Ottawa doesn't recognize the unconditional right of First Nations to unilaterally block projects.

"No, they don't have a veto," he said of the three major nations — the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh — who oppose Kinder Morgan. [104]


The independent investigation into this issue was launched after several Indigenous women in Saskatoon came forward alleging they had been coerced into consenting to tubal ligations after giving birth.

...However, a closer look at these recommendations reveals similarities to virtually every other colonially constructed report, and the same calls for action in relation to repairing the wrongdoings of intrinsically violent and patriarchal customs.

Reports to supposedly safeguard the wellbeing of Indigenous peoples — and more specifically, the wellbeing of Indigenous women — have been constructed for decades, with little progress. The outcome usually includes a generic public apology, along with a list of tasks that are more often than not left on the shelves, forgotten, as well a monetary settlement for victims to no longer discuss the issue. [105]


Activists demanding action on the First Nations youth suicide crisis stalled traffic trying to head east out of Winnipeg on the Trans-Canada Highway Friday afternoon.

...Driver Devin De Ruyck waited 45 minutes as he tried to get to Steinbach, Man. Once he learned about what the group was protesting, he said he was supportive. [106]


This is what Aboriginal issues are worth to most Canadians. A 45 minute delay. After that, most Canadians will tune out.


Allow me to be clear. If all of the Aboriginals in Canada died or just disappeared tomorrow, the Canadian government (federal, provincial, and municipal) and most of its white employees would experience a joy unheard of.


That infinite joy would cleanse their entire body of the burden that Aboriginals impose on them. They'll even write magnificent sonnets and operas from their infinite joy. That's how much the Canadian government despises Aboriginals.


Just because the winds have changed with a Liberal government in Canada, doesn't mean that significant change in Aboriginal issues is occurring. At least the evil Harper government takes a strong position against the lack of financial transparency in Aboriginal communities with his transparency bill in 2014.


While Aboriginals and liberal media outlets deplore the transparency legislation, with some even calling it racist [107], Canadian taxpayers have a right to know how their tax dollars are being spent in Aboriginal communities.


Simply put, if Canadian taxpayers hypothetically pulled their money from Aboriginal communities tomorrow, every single Aboriginal community would shut down (no exceptions). If you don't know what co-management is, you'll find out very quickly when looking at Aboriginal finances.


As the bill becomes law, media outlets add fuel to the fire in their blunt assessments of how Canadian taxpayer dollars are spent in Aboriginal communities. And it's not pretty by any means. [108] [109] [110] [111]


With the election of the Liberal Trudeau government, they cancel the enforcement of the transparency act. [112] Today, liberal media outlets try to undo their guilt and shame by giving Aboriginals sympathetic coverage. Again, it's understandable. But don't call it objective reporting. It's as subjective as it gets.


All of those ugly articles about First Nation communities paying huge amounts of money to some chiefs and not being accountable for Canadian taxpayer money are (more or less) gone. Why? Because that's not what we're selling. We're selling public sympathy and positive coverage of Aboriginals. Again, it's understandable. But it won't help Aboriginals. None of it will cause any significant change.


The intentions are good, but real genuine change can only come from the desire of Aboriginals to better themselves and resolve their past and present emotional trauma. And while you may think that everyone wants to better themselves and face their demons (be it imposed or created by them), that's just for the sake of appearances.


Most people have no real interest in growth and facing their demons. Why not? Because if you're lucky enough to reach the promise land of the middle class, you're less likely to rock the boat and risk going back to low income status.


Empowerment leads to genuine growth, understanding, empathy, and a desire to move forward for the sake of bettering oneself, your community, and humanity. Genuine empowerment, empathy, and understanding represent the end of racism, sexism, inequality, poverty and such. And this is not a script that GSIGs want to advocate. Hence, the disempowerment of visible minorities.


But do all or most Aboriginals feel intergenerational trauma from residential schools, either directly or indirectly? It depends. Negative influences will always come at you (with or without residential schools). How you react and deal with those influences and whether you allow it to have a significant effect on your life is relative to each person.


While you may not be able to control a negative action/event itself, you can control how you perceive it and how much influence it will have on your thought process and/or character development. Again, not all negative experiences are bad.


If you think that your god only gives you positive experiences and the devil gives you negative ones, you're living in a fantasy religious world. If you think that only positive experiences have meaning while negative ones don't, you're living in a fantasy new age world.


If you believe that life in general has meaning, then everything has to have meaning. You can't rationally pick and choose what has meaning and what doesn't. Just because you don’t understand why negative experiences occur in your life doesn't mean that it doesn't have meaning. If a person seeks to better themselves, they're able to peel back the layers of conditioning and perceive old events through a new perspective.


Negative experiences, while tragic, can be a tool for learning/appreciation. If you've never experienced significant hardship or trauma, it's difficult to have a reference point on what others experience or how you want to cultivate your purpose in this lifetime.


But let's get back to Aboriginal issues in the present. In October 2017, the major issue for Aboriginals (aside from youth suicides, lack of health care, and lack of housing) is assigning blame to the architect of the racist Aboriginal residential system.


The two architects are Public Works Minister Hector-Louis Langevin and John A. Macdonald (Canada's first prime minister). That usually makes for an awkward conversation about Canadian values and celebrating Canada Day. But it's best to hear it through their own words in the past:


If you wish to educate these children you must separate them from their parents during the time that they are being educated...If you leave them in the family they may know how to read and write, but they still remain savages. [113] (Langevin)


When the school is on the reserve the child lives with its parents, who are savages, he is surrounded by savages, and though he may learn to read and write, his habits and training and mode of thought are Indian. He is simply a savage who can read and write... Indian children should be withdrawn as much as possible from the parental influence. [114] (Macdonald)


Separating a child from capable and loving parents in general is traumatic and unethical. But separating a child from capable and loving Aboriginal parents is beyond taboo. There's a good reason why teenage pregnancy is not frowned upon in Aboriginal communities.


Life (human, not animal) is sacred. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are prior to the birth (even rape). Most Aboriginals believe that human life is sacred. Even if they can't care for the children properly, most Aboriginal family members will help out.


The problem is that entire families in Aboriginal communities are broken emotionally. And a broken family is no place for a child. Sadly, foster care is no place for an Aboriginal child as well. Either way, the Aboriginal child is potentially screwed from the start. And that's not accidental. That's intentional.


Why? Because GSIGs are intentionally suppressing the development of visible minorities, especially Aboriginals. You need to stop deluding yourself with liberal conditioning and thinking that it's all accidental and just a big misunderstanding. All of the racist actions toward Aboriginals have been intentional. The quicker you realize that, the quicker real progress can start.


Regardless of the statements of Langevin and Macdonald, both the provincial and the federal government refuse to take off Macdonald's name from schools and buildings/statues. [115] Oddly enough, some Aboriginal politicians even support keeping their names on the schools and keeping the statues in place. [116]


Allow me to be clear. These people are apologists for racists. If you allow statues/naming of schools of people that advocate racism, you're either a racist yourself or an apologist for them. You might as well have statues glorifying apartheid in South Africa or statues glorifying the Armenian genocide.


But they were a product of their time. Sorry, but you can't use that as an excuse for racism. While many people never go beyond the dominant conditioning of their time, people are quite capable of doing so.


Just because racism is the norm in the past doesn't mean that you can say I was only following the crowd. Every adult is responsible for their own choices. If you choose to give your power away to society/conditioning, that's on you.


Interestingly enough, religious beliefs in the past and present act as a framework to justify racism, sexism, and inequality. While Christians, Catholics, and Christian conspiracy theorists talk about their loving and just Christian god, there's no love or justice during the genocide of Aboriginals at the hands of white colonizers.


There's no love or justice from the Christian god during the Armenian and Rwanda genocide.


There's no love or justice from the Christian god during the Nazi holocaust.


There's no love or justice from the Christian god during the illegal US invasion of Iraq.


There's no love or justice from the Christian god during the Syrian civil war.


Oddly enough, one Christian conspiracy theorist is brave enough to talk about the injustice from their loving Christian god. And it's Alex Jones:


...[I'm] surprised god didn't really hear that call [love and peace from Native Americans]...because some bad things were done to those people. [117]


Jones addresses what many Christians choose to stay silent on. When in doubt, they prefer to say God moves in mysterious ways. Or, we can never understand his will. Or, if they're backed into a corner, Native Americans/Aboriginals were idol worshippers. They got what they deserved.


It's hypocritical because when things are rosy for Christians, they loudly claim that it's the will of God. He's so loving and merciful. What a joke. Kudos to Jones in having the balls to question why the Christian god shows love to some cultures and not others.


It would be nice if more religious people allowed that level of questioning in their lives. But then again, most religious people are cracked in the head. And the ones that aren’t are usually fakes. They're religious in name only for the sake of appearances.


It's hilarious and tragic that most Christians are visible minorities even when the Christian god doesn't really seem to care about them. Hence, religion is more of a survival mechanism. Better to believe in god and have the support of a religious community.


In regards to the spiritual aspect, believing in a mythical loving and just god usually gives people peace of mind. Those bastards that wronged me in my life. They'll get theirs at the gates of heaven when God judges them.


Like I said, peace of mind. And I'm not against someone's peace of mind, as long as it's within ethics. Religious ideology is understandable and contradictory at the same time.


Global Aid

And last but not least, we finally get to global aid. White people giving money to poor visible minorities in developing countries. We're so compassionate with our money. As you should know by now, giving massive amounts of money to poor people won't solve the main issues.


Money (especially debt) has zero power in being able to solve any significant problems. The aid money is just for the sake of appearances. To be fair, it's not just a lot of money. It's a f*ckload of money. It's over $60 billion of aid money in 2000, increasing to over $140 billion in 2016. [132]


That's over a trillion dollars just from the last decade. And that's the point. Even a trillion dollars isn't enough to end poverty. Why not? Because money has zero power in being able to solve inequality, poverty, racism, or sexism. Zero power.


Significant change can only come from ideologies of empowerment and purpose. That's where it begins. If you don't have empowerment and purpose, you have nothing of value in this life (aside from eternal love of course).


In August 2017 Bill Gates donates $4.6 billion (USD) to charitable causes. [133] While liberals praise his actions, it won't cause any significant change in developing nations. If trillions of dollars can't lift people in developing nations out of poverty, a few billion won't either.


Gates' push for GMOs and family planning on people in the developing world, isn't one of compassion. It's one of profit and serving the interests of GSIGs. Nothing more.


The claims of compassion and ending poverty are just cover reasons for the sake of appearances. If you learn nothing at all from reading this series I would be happy if you understand the difference between reality and the perception of reality, and genuine actions vs. disingenuous actions even when the end results look the same.


Allow me to be clear. Liberal philanthropists, the World Bank, the IMF, and the UN aren't solving any significant problems in the 21st century. 70 years later and it's (more or less) the same old sh*t.


It's the same ads/commercials of starving people in developing nations. The attempt to transform visible minority developing nations into developed ones is merely for the sake of appearances. There's no genuine intent to do so.


The manipulation exists in order for you to believe the lie. To believe that the current system works. To believe that you live in a democracy. And while you foolishly believe such things, rich and powerful white people and GSIGs will continue to dominate the planet through an ideology of disempowerment.


How long will it take for you to realize this?


How long will it take for you to change your ideologies?


How long will it take for you to finally take significant actions to change the GSIG script of disempowerment?




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