The Ideological Bubble of

George Monbiot

Part 3 of 6:

Health & The Environment -

2018 Articles


Part 1 of 6: Health & The Environment - 2016 Articles

Part 2 of 6: Health & The Environment - 2017 Articles

Part 3 of 6: Health & The Environment - 2018 Articles

Part 4 of 6: Politcs, Culture & Society - 2016 Articles

Part 5 of 6: Politcs, Culture & Society - 2017 Articles

Part 6 of 6: Politcs, Culture & Society - 2018 Articles


By: Shawn Alli
Posted: November 27, 2018

climate change protest United Kingdom

Image Copyright belongs to Getty Images/Barcroft Media


*All parties receive one full day (24 hours) of pre-publication notice.


In a January 2018 article, Monbiot talks about the coming apocalypse and collapse of the global society due to bad governance and pollution. [1] In reality, we've always had both and the world has continued to rotate with humans thriving. Like many people, Monbiot is using peer-reviewed articles to reinforce his ideological bubble of the world. While it's understandable, it's annoying nonetheless.


In another January article, Monbiot talks about the failures of the UK government's environmental policy coupled with a growing economy. [2] Sadly, almost all climate change believers want the global economy to shrink in order to be saved from the carbon apocalypse supposedly right around the corner. And these so-called environmentalists hate the fact that the global economy continues to grow.


In a February article, Monbiot laments the unsustainable practice of animal agriculture due to antibiotic resistance. [3] While that's true, I don't see him mentioning that it was all done by liberal scientists. It would be nice if liberal media outlets actually condemn the people who created the worst things on the planet instead of just b*tching about it. Antibiotic resistant superbugs may lead to the downfall of humanity. It would be nice if we can get the blame right for the history books that no one will read because we're already extinct.


Looking into the future, I see a lion in the wild pissing on an external USB hard drive that has all of humanity's recorded knowledge on it.


In another February article, Monbiot talks about how communities can prevent health emergencies for people who are isolated. [4] It's weird the way he talks about it because the data is being published in a peer-reviewed article. As if publishing it in a peer-reviewed article transforms common sense in objective facts. In reality, this is not a falsifiable theory. Why not? Because there are numerous toxic communities throughout the world.


Do you think Christian communities will support Muslim ones that have mental health conditions?


Do you think Palestinian communities will support Israeli ones that have mental health conditions?


Do you think white nationalist communities will support visible minorities with mental health conditions?


Liberal atheists forever cling to the peer-reviewed literature as if it's their infallible bible. It's understandable of course. Every religion, even atheism must have a mythical text. In reality, the entire peer-reviewed literature process is broken (see A Broken Peer-Reviewed Process in Philosophy Reborn Part III: Science).


In a March article, Monbiot talks about his prostate cancer diagnosis despite leading a super healthy lifestyle. [5] And that's the disconnect. Every person has a different definition of what good health means. And I’m sorry to say, but if you have cancer, you’re not healthy.


Monbiot mentions something interesting:

Last month, I discussed the remarkable evidence suggesting that a caring community enhances recovery and reduces mortality. In talking about my cancer with family and friends, I feel the love that I know will get me through this. [5]


It's interesting that he mentions the term love. Most atheists shy away from such terms. And for the ones who embrace it, they usually mean a limited feeling due to neurotransmitters in the brain that will disappear when a person dies.


In a request for comment I ask Monbiot:

3. Do you categorize yourself as an atheist?

4. Do you believe that love is an eternal feeling that goes beyond physical existence? Or, do you believe that love is a feeling created by neurotransmitters in the brain that will cease to exist once a person dies?


He doesn't respond.


Almost every person alive knows someone with cancer. And it's up to them to choose which treatments they opt for. But whatever they choose, it's on them. You can't really blame the treatment if it fails. You have to take responsibility for that choice, in life or in death.


While Monbiot advocates donating to Prostate Cancer UK, in reality the money will just go to Big Pharma to patch up any symptoms instead of actually curing prostate cancer (with surgery being the exception). And just so you know, medical marijuana will be legal in the UK in November 2018. [6]


Monbiot doesn't understand the Western disease model of treatment (even though he should). But like most atheists, his faith in medical science is most likely absolute. Whereas for others, they see the Western disease model as incorrect and embrace a more holistic model of one's purpose in life. They believe that various events (be it negative or positive) have meaning in shaping their path. If you're confused I recommend radical dualism (see Part IV: Naturally Unhealthy Big Pharma & Big Media and Part V: Naturally Unhealthy Big Gov't, Big Ag, Big Industry).


In another March article, Monbiot again talks about the coming carbon apocalypse as if it's a fact that can't be denied and decries Steven Pinker's optimism for humanity's future. [7] I've never seen another liberal movement so lost in their ideological bubble. Oh wait, yes I the 2016 US election. Liberal news anchors were melting down before my very eyes. It was hilarious.


In a May article, Monbiot talks about the failures of the UK government's environmental policies. [8]




Either mobilize others to vote liberal/Labour, or become a political candidate, or shut the f*ck up. I've never heard anyone b*tch so much about the environment and refuse to take action other than writing opinion articles and attending a few protests.


In another May article, Monbiot provides an update on his prostate cancer diagnosis and says that he's learned more about himself than the past 20 years of his life. [9] While it's good to know yourself, the fact that 20 years produced no significant information is a downer. But maybe Monbiot will now become the man I hope he will become and reevaluate his ideological bubble.


Apparently, Monbiot had a pleasant hospital experience. That's quite surprising to me since UK health policies are similar to Canada. A crappy public healthcare system where doctors and nurses don’t really give a f*ck about you.


Prior to the surgery, Monbiot's principles were:

...imagine how much worse it could be, rather than how much better; change what you can change, accept what you can't; and do not let fear rule your life. [9]


And yet, in almost all of his climate change articles, Monbiot is pushing fear based actions on his readers due to the environmental apocalypse that’s coming soon. Has Monbiot changed his mind in future articles? I'll take a look at them first, and if not I'll send a request for comment to clarify.


But Monbiot's operation is a success. Kudos. Most men are not that lucky.


In a June article, Monbiot talks about the disappearing natural environment. [10] I've already dealt with this issue in previous articles.


In another June article, Monbiot blasts animal agriculture for potentially destroying humanity with its carbon emissions. [11]




Humans have been eating meat for over 5000 years of recorded history. The ideology that it will now be the harbinger of death for humanity is complete nonsense. I see that Monbiot's ideological bubble has yet to burst. Oh dear.


Oddly enough, Monbiot doesn't update his dietary lifestyle to call himself a vegan. From what I can tell he's still a half-assed vegetarian like me.


In a July article, Monbiot again talks about the death of the natural world due to incompetent government environmental policies. [12] All I hear is blah blah blah, I'll show you with an opinion article.




In a September article, Monbiot refutes David Attenborough's half-assed environmentalism. [13] Monbiot talks about taking political action against environmental issues. His answer is to fight corporate power and capitalism. And how does he plan to do that? Maybe he's not going to buy anything anymore from Wal-Mart or Amazon.


It's weird how environmentalists talk and talk about the issues the world faces but no one can really agree on action. The only thing that's holding them together is the climate change banner. And if that glue breaks apart so too does the current environmental movement. Hence, climate change is just a means to an ends in order to unite the fractured environmental movement. It's understandable but it's still disingenuous.


In an October article, Monbiot talks about the complete breakdown of society due to...everything. [14] He talks about something called an Extinction Rebellion movement. It's a supposedly non-violent movement to prevent ecological collapse. Sorry, but all I see is another fear mongering movement.


In a request for comment I ask Monbiot:

5. In a past article, you mentioned not letting fear rule your life. But isn't the Extinction Movement a fear based movement? Hence, if you don't do X human civilization on the planet will collapse. Is this not the same as letting fear rule your life?


He doesn't respond.


In another October article, Monbiot again talks about the evils of animal agriculture and how vegan substitutes can be made with advancements in science and technology. [15] I've already talked about this at length. Animal agriculture won't disappear until liberal scientists create Star Trek like replicators.


In a November article, Monbiot again moves into fear mongering by claiming that the Earth is in a death spiral unless we take radical action. [16] He even believes that broadcasters and academia are cowards and afraid to admit that climate change means the end of the world. [16] In reality, most of these people know that climate change doesn't mean the end of the world. They just can't say it publicly because they don't want to be excoriated by the insane global warming climate change cult they claim to serve.



[1] Monbiot, George. Is this the end of civilisation? We could take a different path. Guardian. January 24, 2018.

[2] Monbiot, George. May's plastic plan is big on gimmicks, but it won't cut waste. Guardian. January 11, 2018.

[3] Monbiot, George. Resist a US trade deal. Your life may depend on it. Guardian. February 14, 2018.

[4] Monbiot, George. The town that's found a potent cure for illness? community. Guardian. February 21, 2018.

[5] Monbiot, George. I have prostate cancer. But I am happy. Guardian. March 13, 2018.

[6] Grierson, Jamie. UK doctors will be able to prescribe cannabis medicine next month. Guardian. October 11, 2018.

[7] Monbiot, George. You can deny environmental calamity? until you check the facts. Guardian. March 7, 2018.

[8] Monbiot, George. The UK government wants to put a price on nature? but that will destroy it. Guardian. May 15, 2018.

[9] Monbiot, George. Through my cancer, I have found the key to a good life. Guardian. May 8, 2018.

[10] Monbiot, George. Our natural world is disappearing before our eyes. We have to save it. Guardian. June 29, 2018.

[11] Monbiot, George. The best way to save the planet? Drop meat and dairy. Guardian. June 8, 2018.

[12] Monbiot, George. As the state is dismantled, who will save Britain's wildlife? Guardian. July 4, 2018.

[13] Monbiot, George. We won't save the Earth with a better kind of disposable coffee cup. Guardian. September 6, 2018.

[14] Monbiot, George. As the fracking protesters show, a people's rebellion is the only way to fight climate breakdown. Guardian. October 18, 2018.

[15] Monbiot, George. Electric food – the new sci-fi diet that could save our planet. Guardian. October 31, 2018.

[16] Monbiot, George. The Earth is in a death spiral. It will take radical action to save us. Guardian. November 14, 2018.