The Ideological Bubble of

George Monbiot

Part 6 of 6:

Politics, Culture & Society -

2018 Articles

Part 1 of 6: Health & The Environment - 2016 Articles

Part 2 of 6: Health & The Environment - 2017 Articles

Part 3 of 6: Health & The Environment - 2018 Articles

Part 4 of 6: Politcs, Culture & Society - 2016 Articles

Part 5 of 6: Politcs, Culture & Society - 2017 Articles

Part 6 of 6: Politcs, Culture & Society - 2018 Articles


By: Shawn Alli
Posted: November 27, 2018

greenhouse gas emissions UK

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*All parties receive one full day (24 hours) of pre-publication notice.


In a January 2018 article, George Monbiot talks about the lack of free speech from conservative outlets. [1]



Here we go.


Contrary to what you may believe, all major media outlets are partisan groups/entities/ corporations. That means that they deny coverage to events/ideologies they don't like and give more coverage to events/ideologies they do like. Conservative media outlets won't obsess about the end of the world through climate change. They'll obsess about it through North Korea, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, or Russia. Why? Because they hunger for a righteous war in the name of Jesus. That's the conservative echo chamber.


Liberal media outlets on the other hand will obsess about dark money, the Koch Brothers and climate Armageddon because that's their bread and butter. That's what their audience wants. That's the liberal echo chamber. And with all things, you always have to know your audience.


You may want everyone in the world to buy your book (ha ha ha, couldn't resist). But if you don't tailor your book to your audience and communicate with them, every time you log into your kindle publishing account you'll be met with blank spaces instead of colorful bars indicating units have been sold or pages have been read. You should see the dance I do when I see the colorful bars.


The fact that Monbiot doesn't understand this is quite sad. Aside from Hollywood and Silicon Valley, liberals already have the entire public education system in their ideological pocket (elementary, middle school, high school and post-secondary). Conservatives only have a few media outlets and think tanks. I think you can cut us some slack from time to time.


But we all know that's not going to happen. We all know that liberals believe that they sh*t Lannister gold and that conservatives sh*t Flea bottom dung.


We all know that liberal institutions don't support free speech when it comes to mainstream conservative ideologies.


We need to stop pretending that we're all going to play nice in the sand and build one giant sand castle together. That's not going to happen. We're going to build our own sand castle and throw mud at everyone else's. Why? Because that's part of the evolutionary myth of survival of the fittest.


If conservatives can’t handle the pressure, then evolution wasn't on their side. F*ck them.


If liberals can't handle the pressure, then evolution wasn't on their side. F*ck them.


Just so you know, I'm a very lovable person. I do cat meows when I’m alone. I listen to Hands Up by Ottawan and Baby Shark by Pinkfong from time to time. I sing it to my future 6 kids that don't yet exist (except in my mind). I'm an anti-religion and anti-atheist new age philosopher/writer who grew up in an evangelical house. We all have our issues and deal with them in our own unique way.


Shall we get back to the issue?


In a February article, Monbiot claims that volunteering for things that you're passionate about are just as important as things you get paid for. [2] Would that include trolling liberal journalists for free? How about creating fake news without getting paid? How about making a YouTube video of environmentalists losing their sh*t over the supposed climate change Armageddon? Or, how about creating a clip compilation of liberal media journalists melting down on the 2016 election night?


I know a few people who would do all of this for free and have already done so. Would Monbiot support their passionate volunteering? I'll spare him the request for comment.


In a May article, Monbiot believes that corporate bosses should be punished when they collapse. [3] Monbiot never gets tired of lamenting the ills of capitalism and consumerism. He's moved from the liberal camp to full progressive. He talks about revoking corporate charters, doing away with ceo's, directors, and even rewriting the entire corporate act that governs all corporations in a country. [3] In reality, these are all pie in the sky ideas. Monbiot can either put up or shut up. Either become a Member of Parliament and start drafting laws like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, or stop your b*tching.


In a June article, Monbiot agrees with Trump on the negative effects of global free trade. [4] But don't tell the progressive movement. Generally speaking, I'm against free trade. The main exception to that is food. The governments of Canada and Russia are quite capable of creating greenhouses in subarctic temperatures that grow practically any fruit, herb or vegetable. We have that capability. We choose not to use it because agricultural trade with developing /developed nations is cheaper and easier to get.


But when a nation becomes reliant on foreign countries to provide basic necessities or unable to regulate the market, that's when it becomes a problem. The biggest example is the manufacturing sector. Instead of Canadians or Americans or Europeans making clothes and products for the average person, we export that duty off to people in developing nations or communist ones that have conditioned their people to be nothing more than mindless drones on the factory floor.


In a July article, Monbiot claims that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's win represents a new beginning for America and the progressive movement. [5] Progressives aren't used to winning. Hence, the renewed optimism and faith in democracy after Ocasio-Cortez's win. And kudos to her.


Though I lean conservative for most issues, I like genuine people who take bold action. I look forward to seeing what she and other progressive visible minorities can do in Congress as opposed to watching the actions of white progressives like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren (minus her 0.1-1.5% Native genetics).


Generally speaking, ethnicity is a stronger bond than political solidarity or gender. I can understand visible minority progressives and visible minority women better than their white counterparts. Why? Because of white privilege. White people don't experience the same reality that visible minorities experience. It doesn't matter whether you’re low, mid, or high income. Racists don’t care about your socio-economic status.


And that about brings us to the end of the series. I will give you my final thoughts about George Monbiot.


George Monbiot is a progressive that believes in fantasy solutions to current problems. While he's aware of all the problems within the current economic, political, social, and financial system, he has absolutely no clue in how to do deal with it. 20 years of writing and Monbiot is still clueless in how to change the system. I don’t think he’ll ever figure it out.


Like most middle class white privileged journalists, Monbiot is unaware of how lucky he is to live in the UK and start at the middle-high income socio-economic level. If he did realize how lucky he was, he would stop b*tching about how bad and toxic the Western capitalistic lifestyle is. He doesn't realize that a person in a developing nation would kill for his privileged life. They would kill to live a life relatively free of life and death scenarios (forgive the bad pun). They would kill to experience the consumerism and capitalism that he abhors. Monbiot is completely out of touch with the desires of people in developing nations.


While Monbiot was always adamant about climate change, he's now moved into fear mongering with claims of a global carbon apocalypse that will supposedly wipe out humanity, the animals, and pretty much the Earth.


Sadly, Monbiot actually fears...goes to bed with fear of the coming environmental apocalypse. I can actually feel that fear in his writing (he should look into writing fiction one day). The ideology of a carbon apocalypse destroying all living things on the planet has absolutely no basis in reality. Monbiot has no understanding of unfalsifiable junk science vs. falsifiable objective science. Monbiot can't see anything outside of his progressive environmental doomsday ideological bubble.


And this is one of the reasons why I'm done with him. I have followed George Monbiot's work for almost 4 years. I can now conclude that Monbiot will never figure out how to change the current system due to his progressive and ideological bubble. My introduction about him was incorrect. Monbiot is only awake to the degree that his environmental progressive ideological bubble allows him to be awake.


I have officially given up on cracking his ideological bubble. It can't be cracked because he doesn't want to see reality for what it is. I will not be following any of his future work or articles.


If Monbiot didn't have children, I believe that he would have gone to the mountains and become one with nature a long time ago.


One thing that I've noticed in reading George Monbiot's many articles is his desire to connect with other people. Even with his kids, I feel that he's very lonely inside. And he most likely believes he'll always be alone even if he's surrounded by numerous people. I think he has a difficult time squaring eternal love with his atheist principle of one's life having no real meaning/purpose in a universe created by randomness and chance.


Best of luck to you sir.


Shawn Alli



[1] Monbiot, George. Don't be fooled – these free-speech obsessives approve of no-platforming. Guardian. January 10, 2018.

[2] Monbiot, George. As robots take our jobs, we need something else. I know what that is. Guardian. February 7, 2018.

[3] Monbiot, George. Enough of Carillion culture. Make bosses pay for the carnage they cause. Guardian. May 24, 2018.

[4] Monbiot, George. Donald Trump was right. The rest of the G7 were wrong. Guardian. June 13, 2018.

[5] Monbiot, George. America's new revolutionaries show how the left can win. Guardian. July 11, 2018.