Hollywood Movie Review Series:

2001 Movies

Part 2


Best Movies From 1999 - 2018

Worst Movies From 1999 - 2018

Super Elite Worst Movies From 1999 - 2018

1999 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2000 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2001 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2002 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2003 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2004 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2005 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2006 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3

2007 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3

2008 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2009 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2010 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2011 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2012 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2013 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2014 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2015 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2016 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2017 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3

2018 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2


By: Shawn Alli
Posted: December 30, 2021
Updated: July 1, 2022

Move Review Series by: Shawn Alli

Copyright Pixabay


PASSED: 49 Movies

FAILED: 74 Movies


*This article was updated in July 2022 because the original web pages were too large to be indexed by Google.


*I do NOT own the copyright for any movie posters.

*Movies are in no particular order. Please use Crtl F on your keyboard to find a particular movie. Movies that got a wide release in the year after their first screening are listed in the next year. For example, 300 (2006) is listed in 2007 because it only got a wide release in 2007.


*Don't worry about spoilers. You can read the review of any movie without being afraid of spoilers and enjoy the movie if you watch it. I intentionally made sure not to ruin a movie by revealing a hidden plot or hidden climax scene. I simply pass or fail each scene and comment on them.


15 minutes, 2001 15 minutes, 2001: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: John Herzfeld

Director: John Herzfeld

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A Russian criminal wants a better life.

Story: Ambition, Character

Characters: Fail

Complete fail of all characters.

Acting: Fail


Fail of intro.

Fail of cop street scenes.

Oh my god, the commander from Star Trek Deep State Nine (Avery Brooks). Wow. What a blast from the past.

Fail of night arrest scene.

Fail of investigative scene.

Fail of all scenes. As if it’s being made up as it goes. Complete fail of writing.

Fail of escort girl scene.

Fail of cop talk scene.

Fail of escort service scene.

Powerfully stupid movie.

Fail of music content throughout.

Fail of camcorder shots.

Fail of good cop bad cop scene.

Fail of precinct scene.

Fail of cop hostage scene.

This movie is complete garbage.

Fail of apartment fire scene.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

One of the worst movies of all time. This movie shouldn’t have made $1.00. The fact that it made over $50 million proves that God does NOT exist.

The One, 2001 The One, 2001: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: Glen Morgan, James Wong

Director: James Wong

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A man wants to get stronger.

Story:  Ambition

Characters: Fail

Acting: Fail


Fail of intro.

Fail of all martial art shots.

Fail of music content throughout.

Powerfully stupid movie.

Good special effects of transport.

Fail of multiverse explanation.

Complete fail of writing. Oh dear god. How did this movie get a wide release?

Fail of climax scene.

Powerfully stupid jail ending.

Not one of the worst movies of all time, but pretty close.

Should have been straight to video/streaming.

The Last Castle, 2001 The Last Castle, 2001: FAIL
Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: David Scarpa, Graham Yost

Director: Rod Lurie

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A warden wants to control a prisoner.

Story: Ethics

Characters: Fail

Acting: Fail


Decent intro.

Fail of arrival scene.

Fail of almost all scenes.

Fail of all warden scenes throughout.

Fail of fight scene.

Fail of lunch scenes throughout.

Fail of daughter scene.

Fail of rock scene.

Fail of all scenes.

Garbage writing. Oh dear god.

Fail of climax scene.

Good ending.

The Score, 2001 The Score, 2001: FAIL
Commercial Failure

Writer: Daniel E. Taylor, Kario Salem, Lem Dobbs, Scott Marshall Smith

Director: Frank Oz

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: Thieves wants to steal a scepter.

Story: Ambition

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass

Good acting by Edward Norton.


Fail of intro.

Fail of theft scene.

Fail of handler scenes throughout.

Rent a thug. Jokes.

Pretending to have developmental disabilities to get a job. That's not cool.

Fail to decent prep scenes throughout.

Fail of music content.

Fail of park code scene.

Decent climax scene, but not enough to pass.

Fail of ending.

4 writers. Too many cooks in the kitchen.

See Spot Run, 2001 See Spot Run, 2001: FAIL
Commercial Failure

Writer: George Gallo, Gregory Poirer, Dan Baron, Chris Faber

Director: John Whitesell

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A mob boss wants to deal drugs.

Story: Character, Relationships

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Decent intro.

Good mailman scene.

Fail of hospital scene.

Blockbuster. Oh yah, this is a 2001 movie.

Fail of friends’ apartment scene.

Decent apartment kid scene.

Good dog cop scenes throughout.

A bulldog instead of German shepherd. Interesting.

Fail of break dancing scene.

Fail of pound scene.

Fail of mob-dog-picnic scene.

Fail of all FBI man/dog scene.

Fail of pet store scene.

Fail of pre-climax scene.

Fail of climax scene. Too stupid.

Fail of ending.

4 writers. Too many cooks in the kitchen.

The Kiss of the Dragon, 2001 The Kiss of the Dragon, 2001: FAIL
Potential Profit

Writer: Luc Besson, Robert Mark Kamen

Director: Chris Nahon

Dialogue: Fail

Terrible dialogue throughout.

Plot: French police want to setup a Chinese intelligence agent.

Story: Ambition, Ethics

Characters: Fail

Complete fail of all characters.

Acting: Fail

Fail Bridget Fonda’s acting.

Fail of Tchéky Karyo’s acting. Disappointing.


Fail of intro.

Plot doesn't make sense. There are no translators on the force. Really?

Decent fight scenes for a 2001 movie.

Fail of music content. Waste of money for music clearance.

All scenes went downhill from the start.

Fail of hotel exit scene.

Fail of train station scene.

Fail of boat scene.

Fail of police scene.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending scene with cop.

Kate & Leopold, 2001 Kate & Leopold, 2001: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: Steven Rogers, James Mangold

Director: James Mangold

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A father wants his son to get married.

Story: Relationships, Character

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass

Excellent acting by Hugh Jackman.


Fail of intro.

Greatest erection on the planet. Jokes.

Good father-son argument scene.

Fail of street scene.

Fail of solution. Too stupid.

Decent movie scene.

Fail of taxi scene.

Fail of apartment scene.

Decent elevator scene.

Good police scene.

Fail of office scene.

Hey, the guy from The West Wing (Bradley Whitford). Nice to see you again.

Fail of hospital scenes throughout.

Fail of horse scene.

Fail of bar scene.

Fail of relationship scenes throughout.

Fail of psychiatric scene.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

The Majestic, 2001 The Majestic, 2001: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Michael Sloane

Director: Frank Darabont

Dialogue: Fail

Fail of all dialogue.

Plot: US govt wants to investigate a writer for communist ties.

Story: Purpose, Character

Characters: Fail

Acting: Fail

Fail of Jim Carey’s acting. Disappointing.


Fail of intro.

Fail of narrated scenes.

Boring scenes throughout.

Fail of bridge scene.

Fail of solution. Too stupid. Complete fail of writing.

Terrible lighthouse scene.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

$72 million production budget. Warner Bros. Pictures has money to burn.

Finding Forrester, 2001 Finding Forrester, 2001: PASS

Commercial Failure

Writer: Mike Rich

Director: Gus Van Sant

Dialogue: Pass

"Women will sleep with you if you write a book?" "Women will sleep with you if you write a bad book." Good line, excellent delivery.

"The key to a woman's heart is an unexpected gift at an unexpected time." Good line and delivery.

Plot: A student wants a better life.

Story: Ambition, Character

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass

Excellent acting by Sean Connery


Good intro.

Solid characters.

Excellent writing.

Good visit scenes throughout.

Good bonding scenes throughout.

Good academic scenes throughout.

Cheesy music, but it's a 2001 movie.

Making moves like that on the rooftop without verbal consent. That's a no no for the MeToo movement. Maybe he was manipulating her emotionally because women a fragile, fickle and victims of the patriarchy. Believe it or not, this is how feminists today see themselves and other women.

MeToo Feminist Victim Mentality, Consent & Power Dynamics

Good climax scene speech.

Decent ending.

The movie would have been Potential Profit if Sean Connery didn't demand so much money.

Life as a House, 2001 Life as a House, 2001: PASS

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Mark Andrus

Director: Irwin Winkler

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: A family wants a better life for their son.

Story: Family, Relationships, Character

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass

Excellent acting by Hayden Christensen.


Decent intro.

Hey, Mary Steenburgen from Back to the Future. Nice to see you again.

Hayden Christensen. Always a pleasure.

Good boy room scene.

Fail of dog car scene. Too unbelievable.

Good breakfast scene.

Good kitchen scene.

Good boss talk scene.

Decent workplace scene.

Fail of hospital scene.

Good car talk scene. Even your anger is perfect. Jokes.

Good backyard talk scene.

Good father-son scenes throughout.

Decent son car scene.

Good father scene argument scenes throughout.

Unbelievable shower scenes, but…

Good house building scenes throughout.

Decent sex scene.

Could have done without the girl and bed scene. Thanks Hollywood.

Good phone scene.

Good climax scene.

Good ending.

Solid family drama movie.

This movie should have made more money. The fact that it didn’t proves that God does NOT exist.

Down to Earth, 2001 Down to Earth, 2001: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: Chris Rock, Lance Crouther, Ali LeRoi, Louis C.K.

Director: Chris Weitz, Paul Weitz

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A company wants to privatize a hospital.

Story: Ambition, Relationships

Characters: Fail

Fail of all characters.

Acting: Pass

Excellent acting by Greg Germann.


Fail of intro.

Fail of comedy scene.

Fail of all heaven scenes throughout.

Fail of selection scene.

The mother from American Pie (Jennifer Coolidge). Wow. What a blast from the past.

Fail of mansion talk scene.

Excellent butler scenes throughout.

Fail of solution.

Excellent old man car scene. Jokes.

Decent comedy scene.

Fail of protest scene.

Fail of meeting scene.

Excellent n*gga song scene. Holy f*ck that's well done.

Fail of date scenes.

Fail of music content throughout.

Fail of board scene.

Fail of friend scene.

Fail of comedy club scene.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

4 writers. Too many cooks in the kitchen.

Heist, 2001 Heist, 2001: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: David Mamet

Director: David Mamet

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A mob boss wants to stiff thieves of their money.

Story: Ambition, Relationships

Characters: Fail

Acting: Fail


Fail of intro.

Fail of heist scene.

Fail of office scene.

A 70 year old Gene Hackman screwing 35 year old Rebecca Pidgeon. Well done Hollywood. I don’t think the MeToo movement would approve.

Fail of park scene.

Fail of bar scene.

So cool that sheep count him? Jokes, but fail in delivery.

Fail of music content throughout.

Fail of road cop scene.

Fail of customs’ scene.

Fail of plane scene.

Fail of heist scene.

Fail of most scenes. Fail of writing.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

Can writers and Hollywood producers/studio executives stop doing these sh*tty heist movies?

Captain Corelli's Mandolin, 2001 Captain Corelli's Mandolin, 2001: PASS

Commercial Failure

Writer: Shawn Slovo

Director: John Madden

Dialogue: Pass

"But just remember, if you ever express admiration for Wagner, you will be shot, without trial and without leave of appeal." Good line, excellent delivery.

Plot: The Italian military wants to invade Greece.

Story: Relationships, Character

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass

Excellent acting by John Hurt.

Excellent acting by Penelope Cruz.

Good acting by Christian Bale.

Solid acting by Nicholas Cage. One of his best performances.


Decent intro.

Good narration throughout.

Good religious custom scene.

Good house scenes throughout.

Good cafe scenes throughout.

Excellent occupation scenes throughout.

Old Greek men and their pride. Well done.

Interesting story, especially the armistice between the Allies and Italians.

Excellent bathroom opera singing scene.

Terrible corns. Jokes.

It would be shocking for people to see the level of respect and civility in past occupations vs. ones today.

Excellent period piece movie. Excellent writing, directing, acting.

Nicholas cage singing opera and conducting an orchestra. Jokes.

Singing opera in the middle of a war. Well done.

Good beach bomb scene.

And the plot thickens.

Good arms throwing down scene.

Excellent German-Italian military conflict scenes throughout.

Excellent first battle scene.

Good music content throughout.

Good climax scene.

Good ending.

Solid writing. Should have made more money. But I understand why it didn’t.

Angel Eyes, 2001 Angel Eyes, 2001: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Gerald Di Pego

Director: Luis Mandoki

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: Gangsters want to kill cops.

Story: Relationships, Purpose

Characters: Fail

Acting: Fail


Fail of intro.

Fail of almost all scenes. Too stupid.

I like how visible minority cops are so nice to crazy White boys. I'm sure the Black Lives Matter movement can learn something from this fine example of police work.

Women who can't talk directly to a man so she leaves a message. Well done. This where the current generation gets it from.

A wife who stays with an abusive husband? Yup, sounds about right. At least he didn't brand her like the NXVIM cult.

Inside a Secretive Group (NXIVM) Where Women Are Branded


NXIVM Branding Was Scripted by Sex Cult Leader to Be 'Like a Sacrifice'

Fail of climax scene.

Decent ending

I'm sure this writer had good intentions. But someone took the script in a different direction.

Domestic Disturbance, 2001 Domestic Disturbance, 2001: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Lewis Colick

Director: Harold Becker

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A man wants to hoard money from other thieves.

Story: Family

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass

Fail of Vince Vaughn’s acting.

Good acting by John Travolta.


Decent intro, but fail of most scenes after. Fail of writing.

Stick to comedy Vince Vaughn. You can't do drama.

Girlfriends and wives that don't know the true life of their partner. Story of my life.

The son is now like the Hardy Boys. What a joke.

Fail of interrogation scene. Doesn't make sense.

A recording device would have worked. End of movie.

Complete fail of writing.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

Heartbreakers, 2001 Heartbreakers, 2001: PASS

Commercial Failure

Writer: Robert Dunn, Paul Guay, Stephen Mazur

Director: David Mirkin

Dialogue: Pass

"Isn't that the shoe you wanted to jam up my ass?" Good line and delivery.

"You let your own daughter seduce me? Do you have any idea how much therapy you people need?" Excellent line and delivery.

Plot: A mother and daughter want to con men.

Story: Ambition, Relationships

Characters: Pass

Fail of Dean Cumanno’s character.

Fail of William B. Tensy’s character.

Acting: Pass

Excellent acting by Ray Liotta.

Excellent acting by Sigourney Weaver.

Fail of Gene Hackman’s acting.

Good acting by Jennifer Love Hewitt.


Good wedding intro.

Excellent office scene.

Good divorce scene.

Excellent gas station scene.

Excellent bank scene.

Tripping her own daughter. Too cruel, but well done.

Good ex-husband office scene.

Good dining room scene.

Fail of music content throughout.

Good bar scene.

Decent auction scene.

Right in the eye. Well done.

Good outdoor beach scene.

Good Russian restaurant scene.

Excellent house scene.

Excellent hotel scene.

Excellent maid/dean scene.

Good climax scene.

Good ending.

One of the best movies of all time.

Passed with 3 writers. Well done.

Two Can Play That Game, 2001 Two Can Play That Game, 2001: PASS

Commercial Failure

Writer: Mark Brown

Director: Mark Brown

Dialogue: Pass

"I love d*ck far too much to let a hard one go to waste." Good line, excellent delivery.

"The truth of the matter is this, I'm tired of your bullshit. I'm a good man and I know it so it's time for me to explore my options." Excellent line, good delivery.

Plot: Men want to treat their girlfriends like dirt.

Story: Relationships

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass


Good intro.

When she said she's a "strong educated sista," she forgot to say "working for rich White men." Just saying.

Just so you know, in real life, these kinds of bullshit relationship tactics, as well as magazines, is what destroys relationships.

Good women and men relationship talk scenes throughout.

So many cliché scenes but the comedy is solid.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

But the comedy and acting was good enough to pass.

Along Came a Spider, 2001 Along Came a Spider, 2001: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: Marc Moss

Director: Lee Tamahori

Dialogue: Fail

"Look at me. I want to see your eyes. Innocent." Weak line and delivery.

"Vicky, you know that forgiving yourself is the one thing a person cannot do." Fail of line, good delivery.

"I'm living proof that the mind is a terrible thing." Good line, fail in delivery.

Plot: A serial killer wants to abduct a girl.

Story: Ambition, Ethics

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass

Fail of Michael Wincott’s acting.


Wow. That was quite a scene in the attempted intro getaway.

Fail of abduction scene.

Cheesy music content throughout.

Fail of secret service character. Too unbelievable.

Fail of Coast guard scene. Too unbelievable.

This movie should be redone with a better writer.

Hidden text in pictures. Well done.

Fail of boy/Russian security scene.

Fail of most scenes.

Fail of last 2/3 of film. Doesn't make sense.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

Head Over Heels, 2001 Head Over Heels, 2001: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: John J. Strauss, Ed Decter, David Kidd, Ron Burch

Director: Mark Waters

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A boyfriend wants to break up with his girlfriend.

Story: Relationships

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass

Complete fail of all acting.

Fail of Monica Potter’s acting.


Fail of intro.

Freddie Prince Jr. Wow. What a throwback.

Men waiting outside to take models for dinner. Oh dear.

Fail of most scenes.

They should have let the plumbing sh*t scene go longer.

Fail of climax scene.

Decent ending.

4 writers. Too many cooks in the kitchen.

How High, 2001 How High, 2001: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: Dustin Abraham

Director: Jesse Dylan

Dialogue: Fail

Terrible dialogue.

Plot: A university wants to increase visible minorities on campus.

Story: Ambition, Relationships

Characters: Fail

Acting: Fail


Fail of intro.

Fail of all scenes.

Fail of everything, writing, directing, acting. Oh dear god.

How did this garbage movie get a wide release?

Man catching on fire. Jokes.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

Should have been direct to video/streaming.

Thirteen Days, 2001 Thirteen Days, 2001: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: David Self

Director: Roger Donaldson

Dialogue: Fail

Terrible dialogue overall.

Plot: Soviets want to put nuclear missiles in Cuba.

Story: Character, Ethics

Characters: Fail

Fail of all main characters except President.

Acting: Fail

Fail of Kevin Costner acting.


Fail of intro.

Ah…the days of looking at film. Takes me back to my times with my Polaroid and 110 camera.

As soon as I heard Costner’s accent I knew his acting would fail.

Wow, the characters are just terrible. Complete fail of writing. Oh dear god.

If you're going to go in black or white, stay in black or white. Fail of directing. The cinematographer is only doing what the director asks.

Music content too over the top.

Funny that no one thought to cover the damn missiles with a tarp.

Political jockeying. The bane of politics. Public vs. private appearances...sigh.

Fail of Secretary of Defense vs. military brass scene.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

$80 million production budget. Warner Bros. Pictures has money to burn.

Get Over It, 2001 Get Over It, 2001: PASS

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: R. Lee Fleming, Jr.

Director: Tommy O'Haver

Dialogue: Pass

"I'll kill you, you ass kissing pretentious swing town twit." Good line, excellent delivery.

Plot: A girlfriend wants to break up with her boyfriend.

Story: Relationships

Characters: Pass

Excellent clumsy dumb blonde character.

Acting: Fail

Fail of all acting overall.


Decent intro.

A woman bored of her relationship. And people wonder why men don't get married.

Singing and dancing as he's leaving sad. Jokes.

Fail of imaginary vision scene.

Fail of music content throughout.

Could have been better acting, and lose the bullshit imaginary scenes, but passable.

This movie should be redone today with a better director and writer.

Decent climax scene.

Good strip club scene. Should have let it go longer.

Super supportive parents. Jokes.

Good ending.

Weak writing but the comedy is passable.

Summer Catch, 2001 Summer Catch, 2001: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Kevin Falls, John Gatins

Director: Mike Tollin

Dialogue: Fail

Corny dialogue, even for a 2001 movie.

Plot: A man wants to get scouted by professional baseball leagues.

Story: Ambition, Family, Relationships

Characters: Fail

Fail of all characters overall.

Good Billy Brubaker character.

Acting: Fail

Fail of Freddie Prinz Jr.’s acting.


Fail of intro.

Fail of locker scene.

Not even in the majors, and children are asking for their autographs.  Really?

How much can a girl throw herself at a guy?

Fail of music content.

Fail of most scenes throughout.

Seduction plot could have worked with better characters and actors.

Fail of big girl speech scene.

Fail of climax scene.

Could have worked with better writer and actor.

Fail of ending.

Fail of voice over flashbacks throughout.

Crazy/Beautiful, 2001 Crazy/Beautiful, 2001: PASS

Commercial Failure

Writer: Phil Hay, Matt Manfredi

Director: John Stockwell

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: A rich girl wants to be with a low-income Mexican guy.

Story: Relationships, Family

Characters: Pass

Excellent characters.

Acting: Pass

Excellent acting all around.


Fail of intro.

Decent beach scene.

Good home scenes for both characters. Well done.

Good school scenes throughout.

Good football scene.

Two white girls shaking it in a Mexican neighborhood. Good thing this is a movie. In real life, you know what would happen.

Excellent cinematography throughout.

Excellent photography room scene.

35mm. Old school. Good times.

Excellent house sex scene.

Good father scene.

Excellent sex scenes throughout.

Good racial scenes.

Good car talk scene.

Good music content throughout.

Excellent relationship movie.

Good party scene.

Excellent racial cop scene.

Good climax scene.

Excellent ending.

One of the best movies of all time. This movie should have made more money. The fact that it didn't proves that God does NOT exist.

The Gift, 2001 The Gift, 2001: FAIL

Commercial Success

Writer: Billy Bob Thornton, Tom Epperson

Director: Sam Raimi

Dialogue: Pass

"Shoot me. Shoot me. Shoot me you motherf*cker." Weak line, excellent delivery. Well done.

Plot: Someone wants to kill a woman.

Story: Relationships

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass

Excellent acting by Giovanni Ribisi as usual.


Fail of intro.

Fail of all scenes. Fail of writing.

Terrible psychic movie. But it is a 2000/2001 movie.

Fail of most psychic vision scenes throughout.

Good pencil drop foot scene in beginning.

Wow, that's a level of f*cked up White people I haven't seen in a while. Kudos.

Excellent tow truck rage scene. Holy f*ck. Very well done.

Fail of courtroom scene.

Decent climax scene, but not enough to pass.

Fail of ending.

I'm surprised it was a Commercial Success.

I wanted to pass this movie, but I couldn’t.

The Pledge, 2001 The Pledge, 2001: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Jerzy Kromolowski, Mary Olson-Kromolowski

Director: Sean Penn

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: Someone wants to kill a child.

Story: Ethics

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Fail of intro.

Fail of cinematography.

Slow beginning.

Fail of all scenes. Fail of writing. Just sad to watch.

Fail of all investigative scenes. Doesn't work.

Benicio Del Toro as an Aboriginal? At least it wasn’t a White guy.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

K-PAX, 2001 K-PAX, 2001: PASS

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Charles Leavitt

Director: Iain Softley

Dialogue: Pass

"You humans. Sometimes it's hard to imagine how you've made it this far." Good line and delivery.

Plot: Police want to institutionalize a man.

Story: Character, Family

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass

Excellent acting by Kevin Spacey.


Fail of intro.

And they arrested him in the beginning because?

Police don't normally arrest people who try to help the victim.

Nuts in a vice. Oh dear.

Kevin Spacey’s acting really sells the movie. Solid acting.

Excellent psychiatrist/K-Pax scenes throughout.

Good climax scene.

Decent ending.

This movie shouldn't have cost $68 million to make. Geez.

Monkeybone, 2001 Monkeybone, 2001: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Sam Hamm

Director: Henry Selick

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A writer wants a better life.

Story: Character, Relationships

Characters: Fail

Acting: Fail


Fail of intro. Oh dear god, I hate these old GCI live action movies.

Fail of almost every scene.

Scare him awake. Oh dear. Just stop for the love of god.

Whoopi Goldberg. Wow. Nice to see you.

Organ donor body. Jokes. I didn't see that coming.

Well done with the organ donor doctors, but not enough to pass.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

Terrible writing and directing.

One of the worst movies of all time.

$7.6 million in box office revenue on a $75 million budget. Yup...sounds about right.

$75 million production budget. 20th Century Fox has money to burn.

Tomcats, 2001 Tomcats, 2001: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: Gregory Poirier

Director: Gregory Poirier

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A group of men don’t want to get married.

Story: Relationships

Characters: Fail

Fail of all characters.

Acting: Pass


Fail of intro.

Fail of everything.

Ah…stupid comedy movies, when will you die?

Treating women like sex objects. Yup...sounds about right for stupid comedy Hollywood movies.

Tearaway tux. I thought that was only in the Bond movies. Who knew.

Bill Maher in movies. That's how you know this is an old movie.

Love the lack of diversity. Always nice to see beautiful White people.

Fail of music content throughout.

Good library home scene.

I'm a good stranger. Jokes.

Fail of climax scene.

Decent ending.

Town & Country, 2001 Town & Country, 2001: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Buck Henry, Michael Laughlin

Director: Peter Chelsom

Dialogue: Fail

Fail of all dialogue.

Plot: Men want to cheat on their wives.

Story: Relationships

Characters: Fail

Fail of all characters. Oh dear god, they're terrible.

Acting: Fail


Fail of intro.

Fail of affair scene. I don't think the MeToo movement would approve of the age gap. And Hollywood wonders why it has a sexism problem.

Is that David Rothkopf from the Clinton administration and Kissinger Associates? Nope. My bad. It’s Garry Shandling. Must be the Illuminati cloning program.

Fail of all scenes. As if it’s just written for horny men who want to cheat on their wives.

Fail of writing. Nothing makes sense.

This movie should have been called Married People F*cking Younger People.

Fail of almost every scene. But at least the comedy is mildly entertaining.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

$90 million production budget. Holy f*ck. Warner Bros. Pictures has money to burn.

Almost as if the movie was made just so male celebrities could get laid. Sometimes, pretend sex on-camera turns into real sex off-camera. Either before or after shooting.

O, 2001 O, 2001: FAIL

Commercial Success

Writer: Brad Kaaya

Director: Tim Blake Nelson

Dialogue: Fail

"If you want to ask me if I'm cheating on you, go ahead and get some balls and ask."  Good line and delivery.

Plot: A student wants a better life.

Story: Ambition, Relationships

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Fail of intro.

Fail of party scene.

Weak plot.

Fail of principal talk scene.

Fail of room intimate scene.

Weak basketball scenes throughout.

Fail of plot scenes throughout. Too stupid.

Good sex scene.

Fail of boiler room talk scene.

Fail of music content throughout.

Fail of road gun scene.

Complete fail of climax scene. Powerfully stupid.

Fail of ending.

Sugar & Spice, 2001 Sugar & Spice, 2001: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Mandy Nelson

Director: Francine McDougall

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A girl want to be the top cheerleader.

Story: Ambition, Relationships

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass

Good acting by Mira Sorvino.


Decent intro.

Too stupid for comedy.

Passing tampons in the bathroom. Jokes.

At least he took responsibility and stayed with her.

Good robbery scene.

Nixon mask. Jokes.

Fail of girl group scenes throughout.

Decent climax scene, but not enough to pass.

Good ending.

This movie shouldn’t have cost $27 million to make.

Say It Isn't So, 2001 Say It Isn't So, 2001: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Peter Gaulke, Gerry Swallow

Director: J.B. Rogers

Dialogue: Fail

Fail of all dialogue.

Plot: A man wants to find love.

Story: Relationships

Characters: Fail

Fail of all characters.

Acting: Fail

Fail of all acting. Oh dear god.

Fail of Chris Klein’s acting. His terrible acting killed this movie.

Fail of John Rothmans’ acting.

Decent acting by Sally Field as usual.


Fail of intro. But the cats are so cute.

Hey the mom from Transformers (Julie White).

Fail of dinner scene. Wasted comedy potential.

Fail of diner scene.

Fail of almost all scenes with John Rothmans.

Fail of hair salon scene.

Fail of kitchen scene.

Fail of dinner scene.

Fail of almost all scenes with Chris Klein. Shame.

Good relationships scenes.

Fail of cat scene. Wasted comedy potential.

Fail of realization scene.

Complete fail of writing, directing, acting. Christ.

Armpits. Jokes.

Fail of other realization scene.

Fail of road scene.

Hey, Sarah Silverman.

Fail of all fiancé scenes throughout.

Fail of all scenes. Christ.

Fail of car talk scene.

Fail of beating up scene.

Fail of plane scene.

Fail of psychiatric scene.

Fail of Indian guy scene.

Fail of Laundromat scene.

Fail of road truck scene.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

This movie wanted to be a comedy but ended up as something else. It should be redone with better comedy actors/actresses.

Original Sin, 2001 Original Sin, 2001: PASS

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Michael Cristofer

Director: Michael Cristofer 

Dialogue: Fail

Terrible dialogue throughout.

Plot: A man wants a better love life.

Story: Relationships, Ambition

Characters: Pass

Terrible characters, but…

Acting: Pass


Fail of music content right off the bat.

Fail of intro.

Another period piece, Oh dear good.

Antonio Bandaras when he was young. Lovely.

Deceived picture. What is this, old fashioned catfishing?

Wow, this dialogue is terrible.

Fail of beginning scenes. Already telling the truth. Oh dear god.

How did this garbage movie get a wide release? Star power.

Yes, Angelina Jolie looks beautiful in whatever she does.

Coffee as a sinful please. Oh dear.

And now we're at the steamy sex scene.

Fail of all most scenes, but good non-linear story telling.

And the real plot begins to reveal itself.

Oh dear god, I don't need to see a horse charging at me at maximum speed.

And the spiral of depression begins.

Fail of all scenes. Fail of writing.

"Not much use for them apart from their necessities." And women wonder why men treat them like garbage. Aside from religion and science, Hollywood has done a great job in conditioning men to treat women like dirt.

Fail of explanation scenes. Yikes.

At least this is an empowered woman.

Forgive and forget, that's love.

And the plot thickens. Yup, just as I thought.

Good realization scene of everything.

Good last night scene.

Ah…the price of love.

Decent climax scene.

Good confessional scene in the end.

Excellent ending.

I wanted to fail this movie. Almost as if different pieces of the script were  written by a different person. The beginning of the movie was garbage. But the middle to end was strong enough to pass it.

Over $40 million production budget. Way too high.

Ghosts of Mars, 2001 Ghosts of Mars, 2001: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: John Carpenter, Larry Sulkis

Director: John Carpenter

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: Something wants to infect people.

Story: Ambition, Ethics

Characters: Fail

Acting: Fail


Fail of intro.

Fail of court scene.

Jason Statham. Wow. He's so young.

Fail of music content throughout.

A one year contract is two years Earth time. Really?

Complete fail of writing, directing, acting.

How did this movie get a wide release? Star Power.

Fail of flashback scenes throughout.

Fail of all scenes. Complete fail of writing.

Fail of all rebel scenes.

Fail of cinematography.

Were the studio executives, producers and writer on crack cocaine when making this movie? Because it would explain a lot.

Fail of thumb scene.

Fail of all fighting scenes throughout.

Last chance to seduce. Oh dear.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

One of the worst movies of all time. This movie shouldn't have made $1.00. The fact that it made less than $15 million at the box office proves that God does exist.

Valentine, 2001 Valentine, 2001: PASS

Commercial Failure

Writer: Gretchen J. Berg, Aaron Harberts, Donna Powers, Wayne Powers

Director: Jamie Blanks

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: Someone wants to kill bullies from high school.

Story: Ambition, Survival

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass


Good intro.

What can I say? Bullies deserve what's coming to them.

Could dinner scene.

Excellent morgue scene.

Good dating scene.

David Boreanz from Angel. What a blast from the past.

Good funeral scene.

Good music content throughout.

Screwing a young Asian woman. The MeToo movement would be so proud.

Good apartment scene.

Good museum scene.

Decent investigative scenes throughout.

Good iron kill scene.

Decent basement kill.

Good dance scene.

Good room sex scene.

Good washroom kill scene.

Good hot tub kill scene.

Decent climax scene.

Excellent ending.

Passed with 4 writers. Impressive.

From Hell, 2001 From Hell, 2001: PASS

Commercial Failure

Writer: Terry Hayes, Rafael Yglesias

Director: Albert Hughes, Allen Hughes

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: Someone wants to kill prostitutes.

Story: Ambition, Ethics

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass

Good acting throughout.


Good intro.

Good upper brothel scene.

Decent flashback scenes throughout.

Good music content throughout.

Good alley scene.

Decent kill scene.

Good investigation scenes throughout.

Fail of dreams scenes throughout.

Good burial scene.

Decent kill scene.

Fail of ballroom spectacle scene.

Good street kill capture scene.

Good house talk scene.

Good carriage scene.

Good climax scene.

Good ending.

Jeepers Creepers, 2001 Jeepers Creepers, 2001: FAIL

Commercial Success

Writer: Victor Salva

Director: Victor Salva

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: Someone wants to kill people.

Story: Ambition, Survival

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Good intro.

How can this boy be this stupid?

Good underground scenes throughout.

Good bird scene.

Good diner scene.

Fail of call scene.

Fail of car death scene. Too stupid.

Good run over scene.

Fail of climax scene. Too stupid.

Fail of ending.

The movie started off strong but couldn't hold it.

Weak writing.

The Curse of the Jade Scorpion, 2001 The Curse of the Jade Scorpion, 2001: PASS

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Woody Allen

Director: Woody Allen

Dialogue: Pass

Excellent dialogue.

Plot: A thief wants to rob rich people.

Story: Ambition, Relationships

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass

Good acting by Woody Allen. Impressive. I've never seen him act until I watched this movie.

Fail of Dan Aykroyd’s acting. Not the right actor for the role.


Good intro.

Woody Allen in the movie. Wow.

Helen Hunt. Wow.

Horse with Parkinsons. Jokes.

Aside from all the drama with Woody Allen in 2019. He's a good actor.

Good woman office argument scene.

Never trust a woman who whistles her own cab. Oh dear god.

Good bar talk scene.

Fragile masculinity. Jokes.

Dan Aykroyd. Wow. But fail of his scenes throughout.

Fail of magician scene.

Fail of diner scene.

Charlize Theron. A lot of big names in this movie.

Prefer the rug in front of my fireplace. Jokes.

Good night house woman scene.

Decent investigative scenes throughout.

Excellent Woody Allen and Helen Hunt scenes throughout.

I'm hiding behind your screen. Jokes.

I didn't know Woody Allen's acting is this good. wow. Excellent comedy.

Good climax scene.

Good ending.

Good movie. I don't think the MeToo movement would approve though.

Should have made more money. But I understand why it didn't.

Kingdom Come, 2001 Kingdom Come, 2001: FAIL

Potential Profit

Writer: David Dean Bottrell, Jessie Jones

Director: Doug McHenry

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A preacher wants to do a memorial.

Story: Ethics, Ambition, Relationships, Character

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Fail of intro.

Ah yes, Black people and their God saving religion. Funny how many don't remember that they were once persecuted by White Christians all in the “Name of Jesus.”

Fail of most house scenes.

All the usual Black stars. Lovely.

Fail of car scene.

Fail of almost all scenes. Complete fail of writing.

Fail of hallucination scene.

How did this movie get a wide release?

Is this supposed to be a comedy?

Fail of funeral scenes. Too stupid.

Painted up like a $2.00 ho. Jokes.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

Kudos to the skinny $7 million production budget.

The Musketeer, 2001 The Musketeer, 2001: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Gene Quintano

Director: Peter Hyams

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: The govt wants to collect taxes from peasants.

Story: Ambition, Ethics, Relationships

Characters: Fail

Acting: Fail

Fail of Justin Chambers' acting. Not the right actor for the role.

Fail of Tim Roth's acting. Not the right actor for the role.


Fail of intro. Too stupid.

Why are these movies getting a wide release? Christ.

Good tavern scene only because of the good sword fighting.

Wow, this is a long sword fight scene.

Fail of hill battle scene.

Stephen Rea. Wow. So many of these small roles.

The bad acting in this movie destroys the decent characters.

Mena Suvari from American Pie. Wow.

Fail of most scenes. Pace is too slow.

Is this supposed to be a comedy action? Oh dear.

Complete fail of writing.

Fail of most musketeer scenes throughout.

Only Stephen Rea's acting is good.

Fail of buffet scene.

One shot took down two riders. What?

Fail of outdoor horse scene.

Decent climax scene. Looks like an expensive one too.

Good ending.

The bad acting really killed this movie.

Bones, 2001 Bones, 2001: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Adam Simon, Tim Metcalfe

Director: Ernest Dickerson

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A creature wants to kill people.

Story: Ambition

Characters: Fail

Fail of all characters.

Acting: Pass.


Fail of intro.

Fail of house scene.

Fail of dog scene.

Fail of crazy black guy character.

Fail of sidewalk scene.

Fail of dealer/talk scene.

Fail of past scenes throughout.

Fail of dad talk scene.

Fail of cop scenes throughout.

Fail of special effects throughout.

Fail of sex scene.

Fail of medium mother scene.

Fail of talk deal scene.

Good club scene kill.

Fail of all Jimmy Bones scenes throughout.

A supernatural high. Oh dear.

Decent street kill scene.

Fail of bar gun scene.

Fail of most kill scenes.

Fail of climax scene.

Decent ending.

Should have been direct to video/streaming. Sigh.

The Glass House, 2001 The Glass House, 2001: PASS

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Wesley Strick

Director: Daniel Sackheim

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: Legal guardians want to control their children.

Story: Ambition

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass

Good acting by Stellan Skarsgard.


Good intro.

Good morning scene.

Fail of police house scene.

Good funeral scene.

Good new house scene.

Good pool scene.

Good dream scene.

Stellan Skarsgard. Nice to see you man.

Good night fight scene.

Good restaurant scene.

Good drive scene.

Good tone of the movie. Good directing.

Good confrontation scene.

Good social worker scene.

Good phone scene.

Good night drive scene.

good drugging night scene.

Fail of office bank scene.

Asking for fentanyl in a 2001 movie? Interesting how that's significant in 2019 with the opioid crisis.

Decent wife husband talk scene.

Good wife video scene.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

Not the best movie, but decent enough to pass. But it shouldn't have cost $30 million to make.

The Forsaken, 2001 The Forsaken, 2001: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Joseph S. Cardone

Director: Joseph S. Cardone

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: Vampires want to kill people.

Story: Ambition, Survival

Characters: Fail

Acting: Fail


Fail of intro.

Hey, the guy from Dawson's Creek (Kerr Smith).

Fail of driving scene.

Fail of driving scene.

How did this movie get a wide release.

Fail of motel scene.

Hey, the guy from Roswell (Brendan Fehr). Wow.

Fail of vampire hitchhiker scene.

Fail of drug solution.

Complete fail of writing.

Fail of all scenes. Fail of writing, directing, cinematography, music content.

Fail of climax scene.

Good ending.

Max Keeble's Big Move, 2001 Max Keeble's Big Move, 2001: PASS

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: David L. Watts, James Greer, Jonathan Bernstein, Mark Blackwell

Director: Tim Hill

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: Someone wants to bully a kid.

Story: Ambition, Relationships, Character

Characters: Pass

Good characters.

Acting: Pass

Good acting all around.

Excellent acting by Larry Miller as usual.


Good intro.

Ice cream gun. Jokes.

Good picture visual scenes throughout.

Good kitchen scene.

Good bus scene.

Holding onto the van doors. Jokes.

Hey, the guy from Malcolm in the Middle (Justin Berfield).

Good principal scenes throughout.

The world wide wedge. Jokes.

Good class scenes throughout.

Good girl/door scene.

Good flashback scene.

Good bullying scenes throughout.

Good auditorium scene.

Good janitor scene.

Lots of plots throughout. Excellent.

Excellent writing and directing.

Good acting throughout.

A business savvy Black kid in a 2001 movie. Well done.

A Britney Spears entrance song. Well done.

Good band class scenes throughout.

Good animal shelter scene.

Legally emancipate yourself. Jokes.

Good ice cream truck scenes throughout.

Throws a football in the office. Jokes.

Decent robe guy prank.

Decent bathroom scene.

Good pranks throughout.

Good classroom scenes throughout.

Decent home scene.

Good gym bully prank scene.

Good principal/superintendent scene.

Hiding under the bench. Jokes.

Good cafeteria food fight scene.

Good diner scene.

A foldout suit. Jokes.

Good climax scene.

Good ending.

Good fun movie.

Should have made much more money. The fact that it didn't proves that God does NOT exist.

Passed with 4 writers. Wow. Very rare.

The Wash, 2001 The Wash, 2001: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: DJ Pooh

Director: DJ Pooh

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A landlord wants to evict a guy.

Story: Ambition

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Fail of intro.

Fail of outdoor house scene.

Fail of party scene.

Good bus scene.

Non-automated car wash. Really?

Tommy 'Tiny' Lister from Friday. Nice to see you again. Rest in Peace.

Fail of interview scene.

When life f*cks you over, turn to marijuana. Fabulous message.

Fail of dealing scenes throughout.

Good Windex tire scene.

N*gga this and n*gga that and hydraulic lifts. Oh dear.

Fail of most house and work scenes throughout.

How did this movie get a wide release? Should have been direct to video/streaming.

Fail of party scene.

Fail of hostage scenes.

Fail of climax scene.

Eminem. Oh dear.

Decent ending.

Baby Boy, 2001 Baby Boy, 2001: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: John Singleton

Director: John Singleton

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A man wants a better life.

Story: Ambition, Relationships, Family

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Fail of intro.

Fail of sex scene.

Fail of gardening scene.

"Holla at the hoos." I don’t think the MeToo movement would be so proud.

Fail of visualization scenes throughout.

Fail of home scene.

Fail of most scenes. Fail of writing.

Fail of garden speech scene.

Good stairs/sex scene. Best scene of the movie.

Women as unstable creatures. Oh dear.

Fail of living room scene.

Good car scene.

Good apartment fight scene.

Fail of mom garden scenes throughout.

Decent fight scene.

Fail of house scene.

Fail of backyard scene.

Decent climax scene, but not enough to pass.

Good ending.

It had potential to pass with a better writer.

One Night at McCool's, 2001 One Night at McCool's, 2001: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Stan Seidel

Director: Harald Zwart

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A man wants to rape a woman.

Story: Ambition, Relationships

Characters: Relationships

Acting: Pass

Fail of Liv Tyler's acting.


Fail of intro.

Fail of therapist scenes throughout.

Fail of priest scenes throughout.

A lot of big stars in this movie.

Fail of bar scenes throughout.

Fail of house scenes throughout.

Fail of almost all scenes. Fail of writing.

Fail of new ambition scene.

Fail of investigative scenes throughout.

Fail of dominatrix scene.

Fail of climax scene.

Decent ending.

Left Behind: The Movie, 2001 Left Behind: The Movie, 2001: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Joe Goodman, Paul Lalonde, Alan B. McElroy

Director: Vic Sarin

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A group wants to destroy Israel.

Story: Ambition, Family, Faith

Characters: Fail

Acting: Fail


Fail of intro.

Fail of attack scene.

Fail of all journalist scenes throughout.

Complete fail of writing, directing, acting.

Fail of house scene.

How did this movie get a wide release?

Fail of warehouse talk scene.

Fail of house talk scene.

Fail of plane scene.

Disappearing people. Oh dear god.

Fail of church scene.

Solomon’s Temple. Oh dear god.

Fail of bar scene.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

***Do not watch this movie. Should only be watched as a reference in how NOT to make a movie.

One of the worst movies of all time. This movie shouldn't have made $1.00. The fact that it made just over $4 million proves that God does exist.

3 writers. Too many cooks in the kitchen.

On the Line, 2001 On the Line, 2001: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Eric Aronson, Paul Stanton

Director: Eric Bross

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A company wants to market shoes.

Story: Relationships, Ambition

Characters: Fail

Acting: Fail

Fail of Lance Bass' acting. Not the right actor for the role.


Decent intro.

Decent train scene.

Fail of office scenes throughout.

Fail of train scene.

Fail of bar scene.

What was the music clearance bill for this movie?

Fail of diner scene.

Is this supposed to be a comedy?

Fail of writing.

Fail of date scene.

Ah…scummy friends. Lovely.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

Powerfully corny movie with garbage acting.

Joy Ride, 2001 Joy Ride, 2001: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: J. J. Abrams Clay Tarver

Director: John Dahl

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A man wants to kill people.

Story: Ambition, Ethics

Characters: Fail

Acting: Fail


Fail of intro.

Fail of police station scene.

Fail of car scenes throughout.

Decent motel scene.

Fail of police scene.

Ah…White privilege. Lovely.

Good convenience store scene.

Fail of chase scene.

Ah…p*ssy liberal men who can't stand up for their women. Lovely. The war against masculinity is in full swing.

Some scenes too unbelievable.

Fail of corn field scene.

Fail of climax scene.

Good ending.

This movie had potential to pass. Should be redone with a better writer.

Driven, 2001 Driven, 2001: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Sylvester Stallone

Director: Renny Harlin

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A man wants to deal with the pressure of racing.

Story: Ambition

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass

Fail of Estella Warren's acting. Not the right actress for the role.

Fail of Til Schweiger's acting. Not the right actor for the role.


Decent intro.

Fail of camera champion scene.

Fail of girlfriend fight scene.

Good racing scenes throughout, but it has to be more than the race.

Fail of agent scenes throughout.

Fail of initial talk scene.

Fail of wheelchair talk scene.

Good coin bit scene.

Toronto. Kudos.

Ah…the pressure to succeed. A greedy pressure but understandable in how it takes its toll.

Good bar scene.

Fail of club scene. two hurt people who find each other. Sigh.

Fail of ex-wife scene.

Good friend scene.

Fail of car scene.

Fail of music content throughout.

Fail of swim scene.

Fail of talk scene.

Fail of journalist talk scene.

Gotta love the crashes. All part of the fun.

Fail of gala scene.

Race car scene in city too unbelievable.

Fail of argument scene.

Fail of slow motion crash scene.

Good hospital scene.

Fail of brother talk scene.

Decent climax scene, but not enough to pass.

Decent ending.

It had potential to pass. Should be redone with a better writer.

Double Take, 2001 Double Take, 2001: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: George Gallo

Director: George Gallo

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: Someone wants to kill a govt official.

Story: Ambition

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass

Good acting by Shawn Elliott.


Fail of intro.

Always a pleasure to see Eddie Griffin.

Fail of street scene.

Fail of office scene.

Fail of gala scene.

Fail of apartment scene.

Umm…CIA agents don't announce themselves.

Fail of next apartment scene.

Good train station scene.

Fail of office scene.

Is this movie supposed to be a comedy?

Fail of train scene.

Fail of most scenes. Fail of writing.

Fail of gun fight scene.

Fail of police station scene.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

Don't Say a Word, 2001 Don't Say a Word, 2001: PASS

Commercial Failure

Writer: Anthony Peckham, Patrick Smith Kelly

Director: Gary Fleder

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: A man wants to help a psychiatric patient.

Story: Ambition

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass

Excellent acting by Brittany Murphy. Very well done.

Decent acting by Jennifer Esposito.


Fail of intro.

Decent heist scene.

Good therapist scene.

Excellent room scene. Holy f*ck. Excellent acting by Brittany Murphy. Wow.

Interesting tone to movie.

Good family scene.

Decent police scene.

And the plot thickens. Well done.

Decent autopsy scene.

Interesting scenes throughout.

Fail of detective talk scene.

Good psyc scenes throughout.

Good breakout scene.

Good flashback scenes throughout.

Good fight scene. That's a strong empowered woman. Nice.

Good climax scene.

Excellent ending.

Solid movie.

Hearts in Atlantis, 2001 Hearts in Atlantis, 2001: PASS

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: William Goldman

Director: Scott Hicks

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: A boy wants a better life.

Story: Relationships, Family

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass


Good intro.

Good home scenes throughout.

Good friend scenes throughout.

Good Anthony Hopkin scenes throughout.

Good tone to movie.

Good carnival scene.

Excellent music content.

Good kiss scene.

Good bully scene.

Disturbing rape scene.

Good room kids scene.

Good phone scene.

Good climax scene.

Excellent ending.

Solid writing and directing. I would have liked a longer version of this movie. But I understand why this movie didn't make much at the box office. But a $31 million production budget is pushing it.

Riding in Cars with Boys, 2001 Riding in Cars with Boys, 2001: PASS

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Morgan Upton Ward

Director: Penny Marshall

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: A woman wants to get her book published.

Story: Relationships, Family, Ambition

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass


Good intro.

Actors from The Sopranos. Nice to see you.

Can't negotiate my boobs. Jokes.

Good car scenes throughout.

Good party scene.

Good fight scene.

Good police station scene.

"My daughter's a tramp." Jokes.

Good kitchen scene.

Good marriage ceremony.

Good hospital scene.

Good child scenes throughout.

Good interview scene.

Living life through your child. Lovely.

Good backyard scene.

Good dad leaving scene.

Decent phone scene.

Good child mother fight scene.

Good climax scene.

Good ending.

Solid movie.

Almost $50 million production budget. Really?

Hardball, 2001 Hardball, 2001: PASS

Commercial Failure

Writer: John Gatins

Director: Brian Robbins

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: Bookies want to call in a debt.

Story: Character

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass


Good intro.

Good jail scene.

Good apartment scene.

Decent office scene.

Decent school scene.

Good night projects scene.

Good baseball scenes throughout.

Good class scenes throughout.

Good boy crying scene.

Good pizza scene.

Good chase scene.

Decent date scene.

Good shooting scene.

Excellent funeral scene.

Good climax scene.

Good ending.

Solid movie.

R. Kelly music at the end. Oh dear. Wouldn't play well in 2021.

R. Kelly convicted of racketeering and sex trafficking by a federal jury in New York

Save the Last Dance, 2001 Save the Last Dance, 2001: PASS

Epic Commercial Success

Writer: Duane Adler, Cheryl Edwards

Director: Thomas Carter

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: A girl wants to deal with her past trauma.

Story: Ambition, Relationships

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass


Good intro.

Good flashback/dance audition scene.

Good school scenes throughout.

Good class scenes throughout.

Good cafeteria scene.

Good home scenes throughout.

Good tone to movie.

Good club scenes throughout.

Murder She Wrote by Chaka Demus & Pliers. Good times.

Good dance practice scenes throughout.

Good train scene.

Good gym scene.

What was the music clearance bill for this movie?

Good climax scene.

Good ending.

Solid movie.