Hollywood Movie Review Series:

2011 Movies

Part 2


Best Movies From 1999 - 2018

Worst Movies From 1999 - 2018

Super Elite Worst Movies From 1999 - 2018

1999 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2000 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2001 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2002 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2003 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2004 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2005 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2006 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3

2007 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3

2008 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2009 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2010 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2011 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2012 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2013 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2014 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2015 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2016 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2

2017 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3

2018 Movies – Part 1 and Part 2


By: Shawn Alli
Posted: December 30, 2021
Updated: July 1, 2022

Move Review Series by: Shawn Alli

Copyright Pixabay


PASSED: 45 Movies

FAILED: 76 Movies


*This article was updated in July 2022 because the original web pages were too large to be indexed by Google.


*I do NOT own the copyright for any movie posters.

*Movies are in no particular order. Please use Crtl F on your keyboard to find a particular movie. Movies that got a wide release in the year after their first screening are listed in the next year. For example, 300 (2006) is listed in 2007 because it only got a wide release in 2007.


*Don't worry about spoilers. You can read the review of any movie without being afraid of spoilers and enjoy the movie if you watch it. I intentionally made sure not to ruin a movie by revealing a hidden plot or hidden climax scene. I simply pass or fail each scene and comment on them.


The Hangover Part II, 2011 The Hangover Part II, 2011: PASS

Epic Commercial Success

Writer: Scot Armstrong, Craig Mazin, Todd Phillips

Director: Todd Phillips

Dialogue: Pass

"N*gga please. We both dead inside." Good line, excellent delivery.

Plot: Friends want to throw a bachelor party for their friend.

Story: Character, Relationships

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass

Excellent acting by Bradley Cooper.


Excellent intro.

Excellent cinematography throughout.

Good dental scene.

Decent brunch scene.

What sane person gets married in Thailand, the sex trade capital of the world?

Fail of room scene.

Very beautiful scenery scene.

How much was the music clearance bill? But the music content does add to the scenes.

Decent wedding ceremony.

Good night scenery scenes.

Decent morning scenes.

Decent police station scene.

Decent Buddhist scene.

Good childhood flashback scene.

Excellent prostitute scene.

Decent restaurant scene.

Good car chase scene.

Good bank transfer scene.

Good climax scene.

Decent ending.

Not as good as last one. But the audience didn’t care.

Passed with 3 writers. Kudos.

Take Me Home Tonight, 2011 Take Me Home Tonight, 2011: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Jackie Filgo, Jeff Filgo

Director: Michael Dowse

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: A man wants to be with a woman.

Story: Relationships, Character

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Decent intro.

Fail of twins scenes throughout.

A VHS store? Nuff said.

Fail of all store/mall scenes throughout.

Fail of car dealership scene throughout.

Another stupid funny movie. Christ.

Fail of party scenes throughout.

What was the music clearance bill for this movie?

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

How did this movie get a wide release? Should have been direct to video/streaming.

The Help, 2011 The Help, 2011: PASS

Epic Commercial Success

Writer: Tate Taylor

Director: Tate Taylor

Dialogue: Pass

Excellent dialogue throughout.

Plot: Rich White women want to segregate Black maids.

Story: Character, Relationships

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass

Excellent acting by Viola Davis.


Decent intro.

Excellent narration throughout.

Excellent caregiver scenes throughout.

Good bathroom scene.

Excellent old women meeting scenes throughout.

Excellent maid talk scenes throughout.

Excellent home scenes throughout.

Hey, CJ from The West Wing (Allison Janney). Nice to see you again.

Excellent characters, acting, writing.

Excellent climax scene.

Excellent realistic ending.

Powerful movie.

Black people as main characters and it made almost 10 times its budget. Up yours Hollywood.

One of the best movies of all time.

The Sitter 2011 The Sitter, 2011: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: Brian Gatewood, Alessandro Tanaka

Director: David Gordon Green

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: A guy wants to have sex.

Story: Relationships, Character

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Decent intro.

Eating p*ssy and no blowjobs. That brings a tear to all heterosexual men.

Fail of most babysitting scenes.

GPS in the jacket. Jokes.

Fail of car scene.

Is this supposed to be a comedy?

Fail of shopping scene.

Fail of drug scenes throughout.

Fail of almost all scenes with kids.

Fail of bar games scene.

Fail of cop scene.

Fail of all scenes. Fail of writing.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

Young Adult, 2011 Young Adult, 2011: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: Diablo Cody

Director: Jason Reitman

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A publisher wants a writer to finish writing a series.

Story: Character, Relationships

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Fail of intro.

Fail of flat tone.

Fail of apartment scenes throughout.

Fail of lunch scene.

Fail of hotel scenes throughout.

Fail of bar scenes throughout.

Depressing movie.

Ah…the plight of beautiful White women. Cry me a river.

Fail of all scenes.

And now mom comes into the scene. Oh dear.

Fail of forest scene.

Fail of narration throughout.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

Zookeeper, 2011 Zookeeper, 2011: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: Nick Bakay, Rock Reuben, Kevin James, Jay Scherick, David Ronn

Director: Frank Coraci

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: A woman wants to break up with her boyfriend.

Story: Relationships, Character

Characters: Fail

Good animal characters, but not enough to pass.

Fail of dumb blond woman character.

Fail of perverted character.

Acting: Pass

Excellent acting by Kevin James.


Good intro.

Fail of cat surgery scene. Would have been better if the tiger woke up.

Why is the blond woman still there?

"So much potential." Oh please.

Fail of porcupine girl scene.

Just from first 15 minutes I can see a lot of wasted comedy potential.

This is only mildly funny because of the talking animals/personalities.

Good animal group scene.

The animals are so cute.

Fail of losing it scene.

Fail of child falling in scene.

A Kodiak model. Jokes.

Fail of ape scenes throughout.

F*ck me, Joe Rogan. First time seeing him in feature movie. Shame that the acting is garbage.

Fail of bike road scene.

Fail of ape city scenes.

Fail of party scenes.

Ah…the pretty dumb blond. A classic that will forever be part of movies and TV.

Fail of club scene.

Fail of bird scene.

Fail of co-worker situation.

Fail of car dealership scene. Too stupid.

Fail of co-worker mother scene.

Decent climax scene, but not enough to pass.

Decent ending.

5 writers. Way too many cooks in the kitchen.

The Three Musketeers, 2011 The Three Musketeers, 2011: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: Andrew Davies, Alex Litvak

Director: Paul W. S. Anderson

Dialogue: Fail

Fail of all dialogue.

Plot: A Cardinal wants to start a war between England and France.

Story: Ambition, Character, Relationships

Characters: Fail

Fail of all characters. Oh dear god.

Acting: Fail

Fail of all acting.

Fail of Ray Stevenson’s acting.

Fail of Milla Jovovich’s acting.

Fail of Logan Lerman’s acting.

Fail of Orlando Bloom’s acting.

Good acting by Luke Evans.

Fail of Christoph Waltz’s acting.


Fail of animated intro.

The royal family have no friends. F*ck em’.

I'm sure the costumes cost a lot of money to make. What a waste.

I didn't see Athos ask Milady de Winter permission to kiss her. And she definitely couldn't consent with his overpowering confidence. That's sexual assault according to the MeToo movement.

When will the MeToo movement start calling out Hollywood for its non-consensual sexual/intimate scenes? I thought Hollywood supported the MeToo movement? Or is the support just damage control so things can go back to the way it was before?

Fail of boat scene.

Fail of dungeon scene.

Fail of Matrix style run/dodge.

Fail of almost every scene in this movie. Oh dear god it's terrible.

Ah…noble France. Shame it was taken over by Nazi Germany so easily…and then the communists, and now…Middle Eastern immigrants practicing Sharia law. Oh no he didn’t. Oh yes I did.

Fail of betrayal scene.

Fail of forest training scene.

Fail of duel scene.

Fail of store scene.

Fail of all royal house scenes.

Thankfully there are no visible minorities in the movie. It's too shameful as it is.

Complete fail of writing, directing, acting.

Fail of court duel scene.

Fail of lunch scene.

What happens to any man. A woman. Really? Not in 2018. Speaking of that. I wonder when the LGBTQ movement is going to get more serious and claim that Hollywood stereotypes of a man and women as “natural” are offensive to them and must be banned permanently. Maybe in 5 years.

Fail of court scene.

Christ, the characters and dialogue is horrendous. The writer needs to be beaten with a wooden spatula.

Were the studio executives, producers and writer on crack cocaine when making this movie? Because it would explain a lot.

Nice airship.

I think the Milady fight was the best scene in the movie.

Again, fail of all royal scenes.

Fail of Cardinal/Milady scene.

Fail of musketeer hunt/attack scenes.

Fail of planning scenes.

Fail of ship attack scene. I just see a lot of money being wasted.

Carriage on the airship. Jokes. But still a failure.

Airship vs. airship. Of course. Complete garbage.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

***Do not watch this movie. Should only be watched as a reference in how NOT to make a movie.

One of the worst movies of all time. This movie shouldn’t have made $1.00. The fact that it made over $100 million proves that God does NOT exist.

Stick to The Man in the Iron Mask (1994).

The Adjustment Bureau, 2011 The Adjustment Bureau, 2011: FAIL

Potential Profit

Writer: George Nolfi

Director: George Nolfi

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: A man wants to be with a woman.

Story: Relationships

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass

Excellent acting by Terence Stamp.


Decent intro.

What are these people, G-men?

Fail of bathroom scene.

Good speech scene.

Good bus scene.

Fail of work scene.

Fail of confinement scene.

Plot is too unbelievable and stupid. Beyond suspension of disbelief.

Taking sides? Oh dear god. Everything goes downhill from there. The only good scene is when he evades them.

That blocks their ability. What?

Fail of explanation scene.

Good climax scene, but not enough to pass.

Fail of ending.

I wanted to pass this movie, but the terrible writing wouldn’t let me.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, 2011 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, 2011: PASS

Potential Profit

Writer: Steven Zaillian

Director: David Fincher

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: A businessman wants to sue a journalist.

Story: Ethics, Ambition

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass

Good acting by Daniel Craig.

Excellent acting by Rooney Mara.

Excellent acting by Stellan Skarsgard.


Fail of intro.

Interesting boss meeting scene.

Interesting plot. Tell me more.

Good flashback scenes throughout.

Excellent subway attack scene.

Excellent research scenes throughout.

Excellent tone of movie.

Excellent writing, directing, acting, music content.

Excellent sexual assault scenes throughout.

Excellent torture scene. Very well done.

Good sex scene.

Excellent house capture scene.

Excellent climax scene. Complex and well done.

Excellent ending.

Excellent movie. Makes you want to keep watching. Should have made more money.

$90 million production budget. Geez. But then again, it's Sony and Daniel Craig. Sony use to own the distribution rights to the Bond movies. Maybe they’re sweet on him.

One of the best movies of all time.

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, 2011 Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, 2011: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: Eric Roth

Director: Stephen Daldry

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A boy wants to deal with the death of his father.

Story: Family

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Fail of intro scene.

Sorry, but this boring movie is terrible. Fail of writing.

I get what the director wanted the writer to do, but it didn't work. One main problem was that the child character was too loud, too bubbly and inquisitive. But then again, if he was somber, what would the point of the movie be? Everyone would be somber. Tough to write.

Even an ensemble cast couldn't save this movie.

Fail of climax scene.

Decent ending.

We Bought a Zoo, 2011 We Bought a Zoo, 2011: PASS

Commercial Failure

Writer: Aline Brosh McKenna, Cameron Crowe

Director: Cameron Crowe

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: A man wants to get over his wife's death.

Story: Family

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass

Excellent acting by Matt Damon as usual.


Good intro.

The house child playing with the mother is so cute.

Some overacting by supporting characters but passable.

Excellent scene of guy walking then asking if he was like that. Jokes.

Nice to see the token Black guy. The only visible minority in the movie I think.

Good climax scene.

Good ending.

Solid writing and acting. But more so the writing.

One Day, 2011 One Day, 2011: FAIL

Commercial Success

Writer: David Nicholls

Director: Lone Scherfig

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: Friends want to be together.

Story: Relationships, Family, Character

Characters: Fail

Acting: Fail

Fail of Anne Hathaway’s acting.


Fail of intro.

Fail of sex scene.

Fail of work scene.

"Sorry for moaning." Oh dear. "Don’t sleep with any students." Jokes.

Fail of fountain scene.

Fail of beach scene.

Umm…this would be considered sexual harassment.

Fail of swim scene.

Find Calvin Klein underpants. Jokes.

The sad life of mid-high income White liberals and their lack of purpose in life. Cry me a river.

Good mother house scene. Shame the movie didn’t focus on this.

Fail of date scene.

Fail of all scenes with both of them together.

Fail of argument scene.

Not even one visible minority supporting actor/actress. Well done Hollywood.

Fail of rich party scene.

Fail of apartment honesty scene.

Yah…gotta destroy those diaries.

Fail of wedding scene.

Decent accident scene. Should have ended there.

Decent anti-climax scene.

Decent ending.

Big Mommas: Like Father Like Son, 2011 Big Mommas: Like Father Like Son, 2011: FAIL

Potential Profit

Writer: Matthew Fogel

Director: John Whitesell

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A father doesn't want his son to be a rap star.

Story: Family, Ambition, Relationships

Characters: Fail

Fail of bad guy characters.

Acting: Pass


Fail of intro. Too stupid.

Fail of rap singing scene. Weak.

While it's true that college/university is a waste of time (if you already have good friends), making rap isn't that much better.

Fail of buyer scene. Too stupid.

No young Black woman looks that ugly. Too unbelievable to pull off transformation.

20 minutes in and I'm still waiting for the comedy.

Fail of Jasmine intro, seems forced. Fail of acting from the girl.

Fail of cafeteria intro. I can only imagine how long it took to record that cafeteria dance scene.

How much was the music clearance for this movie? Must have been pretty high.

Terrible dialogue throughout.

Fail of ritual thing.

Terrible writing.

Good ballet scene. The only good scene in the movie.

Fail of almost all scenes throughout.

1hr 15 minutes and still waiting for the next comedy scene.

Fail of driving scene.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

Fail of music video ending.

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, 2011 Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, 2011: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: Scott M. Gimple, Seth Hoffman, David S. Goyer

Director: Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: Satan wants to capture a boy.

Story: Ethics, Character

Characters: Fail

Fail of Ghost Rider and demon bad guy character.

Acting: Pass


Good intro.

Excellent cinematography and scenery of opening scene. Beautiful.

Excellent opening battle sequence.

Excellent cinematography throughout. Wow.

Excellent slow motion action scenes.

Decent animation explanation scene. I like the Black and White, but could have been better.

Good cinematography of the ghost rider bike.

Fail of phone conversation scene. Bad directing.

Fail of ghost rider losing control scene.

While the cinematography is great overall, it's not enough to pass the movie.

A better writer could have made this movie passable. Shame. It had great potential.

Always nice to see wise monks played by White actors. Well done Hollywood.

Fail of flashback Ghost Rider story.

Fail of conversion scene.

Fail of the weird black space hyper speed scenes.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

Ghost rider backstory could have worked better with a different writer, like leaving clues in the first movie.

3 writers. Too many cooks in the kitchen.

Conan the Barbarian, 2011 Conan the Barbarian, 2011: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Thomas Dean Donnelly, Joshua Oppenheimer, Sean Hood

Director: Marcus Nispel

Dialogue: Fail

Complete fail of all dialogue.

Plot: An evil ruler wants to rule the world.

Story: Ambition, Family

Characters: Fail

Fail of all characters

Acting: Fail

Fail of all acting.

Fail of Jason Momoa’s acting.


Fail of intro.

Fail of most scene.

White barbarians against the savage Natives. Of course.

Women throwing themselves at men as sex objects. Lovely empowerment. Almost as if the movie was made just so male celebrities could get laid. Sometimes, pretend sex on-camera turns into real sex off-camera. Either before or after shooting.

Fail of fighting choreography.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

Complete fail of writing, dialogue, acting, cinematography.

One of the worst movies of all time. This movie shouldn't have made $1.00. The fact that it made almost $50 million proves that God does NOT exist.

$90 million production budget. Lionsgate has money to burn.

Dolphin Tale, 2011 Dolphin Tale, 2011: PASS

Potential Profit

Writer: Karen Janszen, Noam Dromi

Director: Charles Martin Smith

Dialogue: Pass

"Swim you stupid fish, swim." Good line and delivery.

Plot: A hotel magnate wants to build a hotel in a dolphin sanctuary.

Story: Family, Relationships, Character

Characters: Pass

Excellent characters all around.

Acting: Pass

Good acting by Nathan Gamble.


Decent intro.

Idealistic and naïve American soldiers. It never gets old.

Wait for me to untie a beached dolphin?  I don’t think that special forces was needed.

And he doesn't fit in at school. Of course not. Don't mind me. I'm just being harsh in my review. Must be in a bad mood. It's all good for a family movie.

The pelican is so cute and loving.

Good marine scene.

Good dolphin scenes throughout.

Good board discussion.

Excellent pelican parking lot scene.

Life experience vs. the classroom. Life experience will always win out. Forget university for knowledge. And that’s coming from a philosopher.

Good music content.

Good night time dolphin scene.

Good VA scenes.

Excellent dolphin solution.

Excellent dolphin rejection scene.

Ah…dolphins and most animals, the healing power on the human soul. A mystery.

Good camera scene shot.

Excellent dolphin rejection scene.

Excellent sound effects all around.

Good climax scene.

Excellent ending.

Excellent true story video endings.

Dylan Dog: Dead of the Night, 2011 Dylan Dog: Dead of the Night, 2011: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Thomas Dean Donnelly, Joshua Oppenheimer

Director: Kevin Munroe

Dialogue: Fail

Complete fail of all dialogue. Dear god, it doesn't get any worse than this movie.

Plot: The undead wants to rule humanity.

Story: Ethics

Characters: Fail

Complete fail of all characters.

Acting: Fail

Fail of Brandon Routh’s acting. Wow. Some of the worst acting I’ve ever seen.


Fail of intro.

Fail of thinking out loud throughout movie.

Taye Diggs. Nice to see you again in a strong lead role.

Powerfully stupid movie.

Complete fail of writing, acting, background music, cinematography.

Fail of scene transitions. The last movie I failed on scene transitions was Atlas Shrugged, also one of the worst movies/movie series of all time. And this movie is definitely one of the worst movies of all time.

Is Routh trying to copy Tom Cruise's acting? Oh dear god.

The new Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Constantine/Blade reboot doesn't work.

Were the studio executives, producers and writer on crack cocaine when making this movie? Because it would explain a lot.

New Orleans as the Mecca of the undead? Oh dear god (forgive the pun).

A pact to appoint a human?=. Powerfully stupid.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

How did this movie get a wide release? Even 875 theatres counts as a wide release.

***Do not watch this movie. Should only be watched as a reference in how NOT to make a movie.

One of the worst movies of all time. This movie shouldn’t have made $1.00. The fact that it made just over $5 million proves that God DOES exist.

Shame, 2011 Shame, 2011: PASS

Potential Profit

Writer: Steve McQueen, Abi Morgan

Director: Steve McQueen

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A man wants to have sex with lots of women.

Story: Relationships, Character

Characters: Pass

Excellent characters.

Acting: Pass

Excellent acting by Michael Fassbender.


Excellent multiple clip intro.

Excellent music content. This is the composer you want for your blockbuster feature movie.

Excellent cinematography.

Good office scenes throughout.

Excellent bar/outside scene.

Excellent train scenes throughout.

Excellent apartment scenes throughout.

Excellent bar scene.

Excellent climax scene. Very well done. Wow.

Excellent ending.

Solid movie.

The Lincoln Lawyer, 2011 The Lincoln Lawyer, 2011: PASS

Commercial Failure

Writer: John Romano

Director: Brad Furman

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: Someone wants to frame a man for aggravated assault.

Story: Ethics, Ambition, Family

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass

Excellent acting by Matthew McConaughey.


Good intro.

Excellent cab scenes throughout.

Excellent investigative scenes.

Excellent court scenes throughout.

Excellent flashback scenes. This is how you do flashbacks. kudos to the cinematographer.

Good climax scene.

Good ending

The Ides of March, 2011 The Ides of March, 2011: PASS

Commercial Success

Writer: George Clooney, Beau Willimon, Grant Heslov

Director: George Clooney

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: A man wants to be president.

Story: Ethics

Characters: Pass

Excellent characters all around.

Acting: Pass

Excellent acting by Ryan Gosling.


Excellent intro.

Fail of music content.

Umm...Hoffman has grey hair but blonde/brown eye brows. That's not how aging works. And the character doesn't look he cares about such things.

Good bedroom scenes.

Good realization scene.

Excellent climax kitchen scene.

Good ending.

Passed with 3 writers. Well done.

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, 2011 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, 2011: FAIL

Commercial Success

Writer: Bridget O'Connor, Peter Straughan

Director: Tomas Alfredson

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: Soviets want to plant moles in UK intelligence.

Story: Ambition, Ethics

Characters: Fail

Acting: Fail

Fail of Simon McBurney’s acting.

Fail of Benedict Cumberland’s acting.

Good acting by Gary Oldman.


Fail of intro.

Initial meeting scene in Budapest looks too much like a set. Please shoot at 24 FPS with an adequate depth of field. It’s not rocket science.

How could the situation look normal? Even to a civilian it should be obvious.

Good story telling through scenes without dialogue. Well done.

Good use of visuals without dialogue or music content. This should have been used throughout instead of isolated scenes.

Too many characters, can't keep track of them. No emotional investment.

Fail of music content.

Terrible plot. Maybe the writer should have watched other intelligence mole movies.

Powerfully slow and boring scenes.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

War Horse, 2011 War Horse, 2011: PASS

Potential Profit

Writer: Lee Hall, Richard Curtis

Director: Steven Spielberg

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: A landlord wants to collect rent from farmers.

Story: Relationships

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass


Decent intro.

Boring beginning, but it picks up later.

People watching a man and horse plow a rocky field. Really?

Triumphant music content to go with it. Riveting.

The horse is so cute and loving, as well as the goose.

Excellent cinematography of horses.

Carrier pigeons and messages. Oh…the days.

Fail of horse wire scene. Could have been much better.

Decent climax scene.

Good ending.

Fright Night, 2011 Fright Night, 2011: PASS

Commercial Failure

Writer: Marti Noxon

Director: Craig Gillespie

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A vampire wants to kill/turn people.

Story: Relationships, Ethics, Survival

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass

Excellent acting by Colin Farrell. Very well done. Wow. He was born for this role.


Excellent intro.

Good school scenes throughout.

Excellent home invasion scene.

Good beer scene.

Stupid movie, but Colin Farrell's acting is excellent.

Excellent music content.

Excellent special effects.

Good home invasion scene.

Characters are stupid but you need to watch this movie. It's mesmerizing.

Fail of fake vampire hunter scenes throughout.

Stabbed with a Century21 sign. Jokes.

A panic room. Jokes.

Good club girl scene.

Good climax scene.

Good ending.

Not one of the best movies of all time, but I strongly recommend watching it.

Trespass, 2011 Trespass, 2011: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Karl Gajdusek

Director: Joel Schumacher

Dialogue: Fail

Garbage dialogue.

Plot: Criminals want to steal from a rich family.

Story: Family

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Fail of intro.

Fail of everything.

Counting large amounts of money in the garage. Really?

Weak and boring characters.

Talking down to captors with guns. Really?

Fail of flashback scene.

"I would never hurt you. I love you." Oh please.

The star power in this movie is fading.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

Monte Carlo, 2011 Monte Carlo, 2011: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: Thomas Bezucha, April Blair, Maria Maggenti

Director: Thomas Bezucha

Dialogue: Fail

Terrible dialogue. Oh dear god.

Plot: Stepsisters don't want to get along.

Story: Family, Relationships

Characters: Fail

Acting: Fail

Complete failure of all acting. Oh dear god the acting was terrible.


Fail of intro.

Selena Gomez looks like Selana Gomez. Oh dear god. Sadly, that's part of the plot.

Fail of writing, relying on star power. Fail of all scenes.

Oh dear god, I've never seen make up boxes that large.

Fail of music content.

Fail of climax scene.

Decent ending.

How did this movie get a wide release? I didn't know the star power of Gomez was that strong.

3 writers. Too many cooks in the kitchen.

One of the worst movies of all time. This movie shouldn’t have made $1.00. The fact that it made $40 million proves that God does NOT exist.

The Iron Lady, 2011 The Iron Lady, 2011: FAIL

Epic Commercial Success

Writer: Abi Morgan

Director: Phyllida Lloyd

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: UK politicians don't want a woman in charge.

Story: Ambition, Ethics

Characters: Fail

Acting: Fail

Fail of Alexandra Roach’s acting. Not the right actress for role.


Fail of convenience intro.

Decent to good apartment scenes throughout.

Slow movie but...

"Did someone cover the butter?" What? At that moment, I knew this movie was beyond my comprehension.

Decent characters, but based on a true story so...

Could have used better music content than silence at odd times.

Fail of first major dinner scene.

Marriage right after loss to get ahead. Yup, sounds about right. Gotta create the proper impression in the mind of voters.

Excellent parliament argument scenes. Even as a Canadian, Canada is still just another British colony since the Queen has absolute power. No joke.

Wetsuweten First Nation: Democracy vs. Bloodlines vs. Colonialism


Whistleblowers: True Patriots of Humanity

Even as a Canadian, I find the UK parliament system of the past and present to be quite weird.

Grooming her oratory skills. Jokes.

Good past grainy footage.

Decent of medical examination scene.

Governed by people who care more about feelings than thoughts and ideas. Well said.

They pushed the man a bit too far.

Fail of dressing fitting/group talking scene.

Fail of music content throughout.

Fail of cinematography throughout.

Fail of negotiation/US Secretary of State scene.

Fail of quick passage of scenes.

Fail of group talk taxes scene.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

This movie should be redone by a better writer and director.

J. Edgar, 2011 J. Edgar, 2011: PASS

Commercial Failure

Writer: Dustin Lance Black

Director: Clint Eastwood 

Dialogue: Pass

"No one freely shares power in Washington DC Agent Smith." Good line and delivery.

Plot: Communists want to destroy the FBI.

Story: Ethics, Relationships

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass

Excellent acting by Armie Hammer.


Decent intro.

Weak bombing flashback scenes.

Slow and flat, but most flashback stories are interesting.

Good contrast of old/new officers.

Long winded movie, but passable.

Decent climax scene.

Good ending.

Didn't need DiCaprio to make this movie.

A fake old DiCaprio looks terrible.

Soul Surfer, 2011 Soul Surfer, 2011: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: Sean McNamara, Deborah Schwartz, Douglas Schwartz, Michael Berk

Director: Sean McNamara

Dialogue: Fail

Oh dear god, the dialogue is horrible.

Plot: Girls want to be professional surfers.

Story: Ambition, Purpose

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Decent intro.

Oh, the dog is so cute and loving.

Oh my god, Kevin Sorbo. What a blast from the past from Hercules and Andromeda.

"With her heart and her will, she'll go far." Umm...what? Sorry, but that's not how reality works. The reality is that bad things happen to good people and people who want to “change the system” to empower people.

The life of a beautiful White girl in Hawaii. Such a tragedy.

Fail of music content. Terrible.

Fail of hospital visualizations.

Decent climax scene, but not enough to pass.

Decent ending. But it’s based on a true story so...

4 writers. Too many cooks in the kitchen.

The Rum Diary, 2011 The Rum Diary, 2011: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Bruce Robinson

Director: Bruce Robinson

Dialogue: Pass

"Imagine spending your entire life lying." Weak line, decent delivery. Umm, politicians and corporate executives lie for a living.

"Do we walk or run?" "Walk. I'll push the car." Weak line, good delivery.

Plot: A group wants to build a hotel on an island.

Story: Ambition

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass

Fail of Amber Heard’s acting as usual. There's only so far that untalented beauty can go in Hollywood.

Excellent acting by Johnny Depp.

Excellent acting by Giovanni Ribisi. Holy f*ck.


Fail of intro.

This movie wouldn't have been made without Johnny Depp.

Dated newspaper movies are rarely good.

Roosters in the room. Jokes.

Holy f*ck, Ribisi's talent is unreal. Watch him in The Gift 2000/2001. Garbage movie but worth watching because of him.

I can see a lot of energy and passion went into making this movie just right. Respect. But it's still a dated period piece.

Fail of climax scene.

Decent ending.

Movie shouldn't have cost $45 million to make. Someone didn’t take a pay cut.

Water for Elephants, 2011 Water for Elephants, 2011: PASS

Potential Profit

Writer: Richard LaGravenese

Director: Francis Lawrence

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: A man wants to deal with the death of his parents.

Story: Relationships

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass

Excellent acting by Robert Pattinson.

Good acting by Christoph Waltz.


Good intro.

A man full of ambition and life f*cks him over. Well done. Strong start.

Nice people who are screwed in a harsh world. Excellent reality.

Excellent music content.

This is the composer you want for your feature movie.

The elephant is so loving.

Excellent climax scene.

Good ending.

Excellent movie.

The Big Year, 2011 The Big Year, 2011: PASS

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Howard Franklin

Director: David Frankel

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: Men want to break the record for finding new bird species.

Story: Ambition, Relationships, Family

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass


Good narration throughout.

Excellent animation intro to explain. Well done. This writer and director has talent.

Men excited and passionate about birds. Jokes. This writer did a great job in making the audience take an interest through its characters.

Good movie.

Shooting up with hormones. How sad. I like it.

Good climax scene.

Decent ending.

I wonder how much money was spent on all of these location shoots? $41 million budget. Yikes.

$7.4 million in box office revenue. It wasn't a great movie, but it deserved to make a bit more than that.

Hop, 2011 Hop, 2011: PASS

Potential Profit

Writer: Cinco Paul, Ken Daurio, Brian Lynch

Director: Tim Hill

Dialogue: Pass

Fail of family dialogue.

Plot: A father wants his son to get a job and move out.

Story: Ambition, Character

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass


Decent intro.

Smiling animals and their automated factory line. Probably similar to smiling Egyptian slaves building the pyramids from school textbooks.

I wonder how humans will feel when they become redundant.

Mexican chicks working for White rabbits. Yup...sounds about right for Hollywood.

Dialogue could have been much more funny. Needed a better comedy writer.

Corny music content.

Good stuffed toy routine.

Phil the chick is so cute.

Good climax scene.

Good ending.

Passed with 3 writers. Well done.

Straw Dogs, 2011 Straw Dogs, 2011: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Rod Lurie

Director: Rod Lurie

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A man wants his ex-girlfriend back.

Story: Ambition

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Beautiful forest intro shots.

Always nice to see redneck hicks, with the token Black guy of course.

Fail of writing, dialogue. Too boring. Too slow.

Fail of solution. Too stupid.

Shame they played the weak woman role instead of an empowered woman. But feminism is about creating weak women and the victim mentality.

MeToo Feminist Victim Mentality, Consent & Power Dynamics

Excellent climax scene. Didn't see that coming. It's almost worth watching just because of that scene.

Good ending.

The Darkest Hour, 2011 The Darkest Hour, 2011: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: Jon Spaihts

Director: Chris Gorak

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: Glowing alien lights wants to wipe out humanity.

Story: Survival

Characters: Fail

Acting: Fail

Fail of Joel Kinnaman acting.


Excellent intro.

Excellent beginning plane sound effects and initial panic. Well done.

Young adults who look like high school students run a software company and are pitching to Russians. Really? There was no other reason to go to Russia?

Hot American White girls in Russia. Yah right. They probably would have been scouted at the airport for the global illegal sex trade with Liam Neeson rescuing them. Or in reality, they wouldn’t have been rescued and would  be servicing rich Indian and Middle Eastern “clients.”

First death happens too fast, should have done it slower with more screaming.

Good use of method of death in general.

She opened the door and it happened to be the asshole. Really?

Only a few survive. Beyond suspension of disbelief. And they meet a crazy Russian scientist that has the answers. How did this movie get a wide release with no star power?

The cat in mini faraday cage is so cute.

I noticed that there's no visible minorities. But then again it's Russia.

This movie is little more than Russian propaganda.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

Not one of the worst movies of all time, but pretty close.

Bucky Larson: Born to be a Star, 2011 Bucky Larson: Born to be a Star, 2011: FAIL
Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Adam Sandler, Allen Covert, Nick Swardson

Director: Tom Brady

Dialogue: Fail

Terrible dialogue.

Plot: A manager wants to fire an employee.

Story: Ambition, Relationships

Characters: Fail

Acting: Fail


Good intro. Peanut butter on the d*ck. Oh dear. Shame it went downhill from there. Another stupid comedy movie. Christ.

Fail of manager scene.

Fail of home scenes throughout.

Fail of jerking off scene.

Fail of most LA scenes throughout.

Fail of almost every scenes.

Oh dear god, Don Johnson from the old Miami Vice TV show. Wow. Shame it’s a garbage role.

Complete failure of writing, directing, acting.

Fail of agent scene.

Shipping DVDs. Ah…those were the days. The next generation won't even know what DVDs are. Back in the day, I signed up for Columbia House’s mail order video program.

Fail of all shoot scenes.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

How did this movie get a wide release?

This isn't good enough for straight to DVD, let alone streaming on Netflix.

One of the worst movies of all time. This movie shouldn't have made $1.00. The fact that it made less than $3 million proves that God does NOT exist.

3 writers. Too many cooks in the kitchen.

I Don't Know How She Does It, 2011 I Don't Know How She Does It, 2011: FAIL
Commercial Failure

Writer: Aline Brosh McKenna

Director: Douglas McGrath

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: An employer wants to promote an employee.

Story: Family, Ambition, Character

Characters: Fail

Acting: Fail

Fail of Sarah Jessica Parker's acting. Not the right actress for the role.


Fail of intro.

Fail of dramatic visualization scenes throughout.

Real parents wouldn't have time to make lists in the middle of the night. They wouldn't have the energy raising two little kids.

What mother leaves their young kids for weeks? Liberals. Go figure.

Ah…the life of rich White people. Cry me a river.

Fail of most scenes.

Fail of writing and acting.

Should have let the dog bit go longer.

Fail of talking to camera scenes throughout.

Fail of all work scenes throughout.

Fail of all interview scenes throughout.

Pierce Brosnan. Nice to see you again.

Scratching her hair. Jokes.

Fail of bowling scene.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

$24 million production budget. Really?

Creature, 2011 Creature, 2011: FAIL
Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Fred M. Andrews, Tracy Morse

Director: Fred M. Andrews

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A creature wants to kill people.

Story: Survival

Characters: Fail

Acting: Fail


Fail of intro.

Fail of driving scenes throughout.

Fail of store scene.

Ah…the token Black guy? Well done Hollywood.

Daniel Bernhardt? F*ck me. Nice to see you again. You keep popping up in random movies. Kudos.

Fail of backstory scene. Doesn't make sense. Too stupid.

Fail of hillbilly scenes throughout.

F*ck me, I just realized that it's the girl from Last Man Standing (Amanda Fuller). Well done.

Fail of almost every scene.

Fail of writing, directing, acting.

A woman taking advantage of a drunk girl sexually. I don't think that MeToo movement would approve. But maybe they'd turn a blind eye since it's two women.

Jerking off and taking pics of the friends. That's just sad.

How did this movie get a wide release?

Fail of capture scene.

Fail of all creatures scenes throughout.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

The Mighty Macs, 2011 The Mighty Macs, 2011: FAIL
Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Tim Chambers

Director: Tim Chambers

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A church wants to close down a school.

Story: Ambition, Character, Relationships

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass

Solid acting by Carla Gugino.


Fail of narrated intro.

Good two girls desk scene.

Fail of most scenes.

Ah yes…the business side of the church.

Struggle with your calling. Oh dear.

Boring scenes throughout. But it's based on a true story so...

Fail of first motivational speech scene.

Fail of nun scenes throughout.

Not exactly a Sister Act or Coach Carter movie.

That's a 1970s basketball uniform for women? Oh dear god.

Boring training scenes throughout.

Oh no, contact with boys. God save the queen. Looks like a segregated Muslim school.

Good music content throughout but the characters are flat.

Decent climax scene, but not enough to pass.

Fail of ending.

Scream 4, 2011 Scream 4, 2011: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: Kevin Williamson

Director: Wes Craven

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A man wants to kill people.

Story: Ambition, Relationships

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Fail of intro. Powerfully stupid.

Stop milking the series.

Fail of bookstore scene.

Good killer phone scenes throughout.

Fail of investigation scenes throughout.

Decent room death scene.

Fail of most scenes.

Fail of black man dying scene.

Fail of backyard scene.

Ah…the plight of rich White people. Cry me a river.

Fail of climax scene.

Decent ending.

Jumping the Broom, 2011 Jumping the Broom, 2011: FAIL

Commercial Success

Writer: Arlene Gibbs, Elizabeth Hunter

Director: Salim Akil

Dialogue: Fail

Terrible dialogue.

Plot: A woman wants to be with a guy.

Story: Relationships, Family

Characters: Fail

Terrible characters.

Acting: Fail


Fail of intro.

Fail of street scene.

Fail of wedding planner scenes throughout.

Fail of tone to movie.

Fail of work scene.

What idiot would wait for marriage to get sex? Oh dear.

Fail of reverend scene.

Fail of writing and directing.

Fail of family scenes throughout.

Fail of all scenes. Fail of writing.

How did this movie get a wide release?

Fail of dinner scene.

Fail of club scene.

Fail of beach scene.

Fail of climax scene.

Decent ending.

Not one of the worst movies of all time, but pretty close.

Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer, 2011 Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer, 2011: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Megan McDonald, Kathy Waugh

Director: John Schultz

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: Friends want to leave a girl for the summer.

Story: Ambition

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Fail of intro.

What happened to the bus scene? Did that just get cut out?

Decent class scene.

Fail of tent scene.

Boring home scenes throughout.

Ah…the sad life of privileged White kids. Sigh.

Fail of aunt scenes throughout.

Fail of animation scenes throughout.

Fail of amusement park scene.

Mega thrill pics. Jokes.

Fail of camera scene.

Fail of night scene.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

Terrible writing.

Priest, 2011 Priest, 2011: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: Cory Goodman

Director: Scott Stewart

Dialogue: Fail

Terrible dialogue, oh dear god.

Plot: Vampires want to kill humans.

Story: Ethics, Ambition, Survival

Characters: Fail

Acting: Fail

Fail of Paul Bettany's acting. Not the right actor for the role.


Fail of intro.

Fail of animation explanation scene.

Under the protection of the church. Uhh…the Catholic Church (even though it’s the future) is a pit of corruption and pedophilia. You don’t want that kind of protection.

Savior priests. You mean the Catholic pedophiles conducting occult sacrifices underneath the Vatican?

Fail of home scene.

Fail of attack scene.

Complete fail of post apocalyptic scene. Powerfully stupid.

Fail of confession scene.

Fail of board scene.

Fail of jail scene.

Good ball dropping cinematography scene.

Fail of music content throughout.

Fail of priest hunter scenes throughout.

Are they supposed to be pseudo Jedis? Oh dear.

Fail of all Paul Bettany scenes, which is pretty much the entire movie.

Were the studio executives, producers and writer on crack cocaine when making this movie? Because it would explain a lot.

Fail of cave scenes throughout.

Complete fail of all scenes. Complete fail of writing, acting, dialogue.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

***Do not watch this movie. Should only be watched as a reference in how NOT to make a movie.

One of the worst movies of all time. This movie shouldn’t have made $1.00. The fact that it made over $75 million proves that God does NOT exist (which is ironic given the title of the movie).

Terrible Illuminati movie.

Beastly, 2011 Beastly, 2011: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: Daniel Barnz

Director: Daniel Barnz

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A woman wants to curse a man.

Story: Character, Relationships

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Good intro.

Fail of speech scene.

Umm...is Alex Pettyfer supposed to be playing a high school student? Yikes.

Fail of school scene.

Ah…the token Black person. Lovely.

Fail of party scene.

Fail of curse plot.

This could have worked if it was a comedy. Fail of writing.

Fail of club scene.

Ah…the sad life of the ugly White man. Oh please. Ugly White people still have it better than the richest visible minorities. Don’t believe me? Look at visible minorities pulled over for race.

Researchers studied nearly 100 million traffic stops and found black motorists are more likely to be pulled over


Driving while Black, racist white police officers


Black people in California are stopped far more often by racist white police officers

Fail of home scenes throughout.

Fail of climax scene.

Good ending.

Now we just need to curse all beautiful White people for them to learn their lessons. Sigh.

The Thing, 2011 The Thing, 2011: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Eric Heisserer

Director: Matthijs van Heijningen Jr.

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: People want to discover an alien ship.

Story: Ambition, Survival

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Fail of intro.

Decent lab scene.

Always nice to see White people discovering new things. Lovely.

Fail of plane scene.

An alien ship. Lovely.

Everything is too unbelievable. Beyond suspension of disbelief.

Hey, the guy from Game of Thrones (Kristofer Hivju). Nice to see you.

Fail of all creature scenes throughout.

Imitating his cells. Oh dear.

Fail of realization scene.

Fail of plane scene.

Fail of all alien scenes. Too stupid.

Fail of writing.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

Apollo 18, 2011 Apollo 18, 2011: PASS

Commercial Success

Writer: Brian Miller

Director: Gonzalo Lopez-Gallego

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: Astronauts want to explore the moon.

Story: Ambition, Survival

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass


Decent intro.

Good landing scene.

Good moon scenes throughout.

Good exploration scenes.

Good radio scenes throughout.

Good tone to movie.

Good survival scenes throughout.

Good climax scene.

Good ending.

Good writing, directing, acting.

The Roommate, 2011 The Roommate, 2011: PASS

Potential Profit

Writer: Sonny Mallhi

Director: Christian E. Christiansen

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: A girl wants a better life.

Story: Relationships

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass


Fail of intro.

Girls objectifying themselves? Feminism at its best.

Decent store scene.

Ah…the sad life of beautiful middle class White people. Cry me a river.

Fail of professor scene.

Decent club scene.

Good diner scene.

Good tone to movie.

Good door scene.

Good shower scene.

Good library scene.

Good sex scene.

Good cinematography throughout.

Cruel cat scene. But good.

Good professor scenes.

Good family scene.

Good gas station scene.

Good bathroom scene.

Good tattoo scene.

Good climax scene.

Decent ending.

Excellent directing, good writing.

Warrior, 2011 Warrior, 2011: PASS

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Gavin O'Connor, Anthony Tambakis, Cliff Dorfman

Director: Gavin O'Connor

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: Two men want a better life.

Story: Ambition, Family

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass

Excellent acting by Tom Hardy.


Decent intro.

Good MMA training scene.

Good bank scene.

Good class scene.

Iraq. Interesting.

Excellent father night talk scene.

Good MMA fighting scenes throughout.

Good beach talk scene.

Good student talk scene.

Good father/son scenes throughout.

Good tone to movie.

Excellent casino scene.

Good hotel scene.

Good climax scene.

Good ending.

Solid acting and directing.

Excellent characters. Excellent writing.

This movie should have made more money. The fact that it didn't proves that God does NOT exist. Though it shouldn't have cost $25 million to make.

One of the best movies of all time.

Dream House, 2011 Dream House, 2011: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: David Loucka

Director: Jim Sheridan

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: A man wants a better life.

Story: Family, Survival

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Good intro.

Good house scene.

Good night scene.

Good walk scene.

Good kids scene.

And the plot thickens.

Good bar scene.

What idiot moves into a house without asking if people died in there?

Good night car scene.

Fail of tone of movie.

What Americans don't have a gun to protect their family? Liberals. How stupid.

Fail of psyc ward scene.

And the plot thickens.

Fail of scenes after psych ward. Doesn't make sense. Beyond suspension of disbelief. No way he could get out that soon.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

Fail of writing and directing.

This movie should be redone by a better writer.

$50 million production budget. Universal Pictures and Warner Brothers Pictures have money to burn.

Shark Night 3D, 2011 Shark Night 3D, 2011: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: Will Hayes, Jesse Studenberg

Director: David R. Ellis

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A creature wants to kill people.

Story: Survival, Relationships

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Fail of intro.

Fail of dorm scenes.

Fail of convenience store scene.

Fail of boat chase scene.

Fail of tone of movie.

Fail of all scenes. Fail of writing.

Fail of house scenes throughout.

Fail of boat scene. Too stupid.

Fail of black man stabbing scene.

Fail of speedboat scene.

Fail of speedboat death scene.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

Should have been direct to video/streaming.

Courageous, 2011 Courageous, 2011: FAIL

Epic Commercial Success

Writer: Alex Kendrick, Stephen Kendrick

Director: Alex Kendrick

Dialogue: Fail

Terrible dialogue.

Plot: Various people want a better life.

Story: Ambition, Family, Purpose

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Fail of intro.

Fail of police meeting scenes throughout.

Fail of chase scene.

Fail of family scenes throughout.

Fail of backyard talk scene.

Fail of most scenes.

Fail of writing and dialogue.

Good acting though.

Fail of back seat scene.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

$2 million production budget. Kudos to the skinny budget. But it means that the actors were getting paid next to nothing.

Killer Elite, 2011 Killer Elite, 2011: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: Matt Sherring

Director: Gary McKendry

Dialogue: Fail

Boring cliché dialogue throughout.

Plot: A group wants to kill people.

Story: Ambition

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Fail of intro.

Fail of car talk scene.

Another cut and paste movie. Sigh.

Fail of sheik talk scene.

Fail of escape scene.

Fail of boxing talk scene.

Assassins killing assassins. Yah yah.

Decent bar scene.

Fail of former SAS talk scenes throughout.

As if assassins would be this stupid in terms of surveillance.

Fail of kill scene.

Boring scenes throughout.

Fail of chase scene.

Decent fight scene.

Fail of mountain death scene.

Fail of Black guy talk scenes throughout.

Fail of car scene.

Good hotel car scene.

Fail of guy talk scene.

Assassins stay in houses that aren't secure. What? Assassins shouldn't be this stupid.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

$70 million production budget. Open Road Films has money to burn.

Moneyball, 2011 Moneyball, 2011: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: Steven Zaillian, Aaron Sorkin

Director: Bennett Miller

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: A baseball team doesn't want to offer more money for new players.

Story: Ambition

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Decent intro.

I don't need to see Brad Pitt's eyes that close up.

Good radio car scene.

Ah…the sad life of greedy baseball players.

Ugly girlfriend, no confidence. Oh dear.

I just see White people deciding other people's future.

Decent scout scene.

Decent executive trade talk scene.

Fail of solution scene. too unbelievable.

Fail of offer scene.

Reducing people to mathematics. Yah, that doesn't work in reality.

Older White man panicking at new ways. Jokes.

Good group talk scene.

Ah…the token old Black guy. Thank god. I was worried.

Fail of visit talk scene.

Fail of family scene. Way too late in the movie.

Fail of flashback scenes.

Boring scenes throughout.

Fail of team talk scene.

Fail of batting cage scene.

Fail of trade scene.

Winning streak too unbelievable.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

This movie is for people who love baseball.

This movie could have worked with a writer who had a different vision for it.

Mr. Popper's Penguins, 2011 Mr. Popper's Penguins, 2011: PASS

Commercial Success

Writer: Sean Anders, John Morris, Jared Stern

Director: Mark Waters

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: A firm doesn't want to make a man a partner.

Story: Family, Ambition, Character, Relationships

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass

Good acting by Jim Carey as usual.


Fail of intro.

Fathers who go on adventures instead of spending time with their kids. Burn in hell you deadbeat men.

Excellent pitch scenes throughout.

Good family scenes throughout.

Good penguin scenes throughout.

Good phone scenes throughout.

Good neighbor scenes throughout.

Excellent building scene. Very well done.

Good lobby scene.

Good climax scene.

Excellent ending.

Passed with 3 writers. Kudos.

Our Idiot Brother, 2011 Our Idiot Brother, 2011: PASS

Commercial Success

Writer: Evgenia Peretz, David Schisgall

Director: Jesse Peretz

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: A girlfriend wants to break up with her boyfriend.

Story: Family, Character, Relationships, Ambition

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass

Good acting by Elizabeth Banks.


Decent intro.

Fail of comedy scene.

Fail of ex-girlfriend scene.

Good family lunch scene.

Good family scenes throughout.

Ah…the life of hippie liberals in the 21st century.

Good car scene.

Good sauna scene.

Good sibling talk scene.

"F*ckity f*ck." Jokes.

Good climax scene.

Decent ending.

Sanctum, 2011 Sanctum, 2011: FAIL

Commercial Success

Writer: John Garvin, Andrew Wight

Director: Alister Grierson

Dialogue: Fail

Fail of dialogue throughout.

Plot: People want to explore a cave.

Story: Ambition, Survival, Family

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Fail of intro.

Fail of cave scenes throughout.

Boring scenes throughout.

Fail of underwater scene.

Lots of rain. It's a cave. What did you expect?

Fail of father scenes throughout.

White people and their desire to explore and kill themselves in the process to get their name to live on. Fine. Just die already.

Weak cinematography throughout.

Fail of music content.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

Fail of ending.

Fail of writing and directing.

The Debt, 2011 The Debt, 2011: PASS

Commercial Failure

Writer: Matthew Vaughn, Jane Goldman, Peter Straughan

Director: John Madden

Dialogue: Pass

Plot: A Nazi doctor wants to escape justice.

Story: Ethics, Ambition

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass


Fail of intro.

Fail of apartment scene.

Fail of restaurant scene.

Decent flashback scene.

Excellent training scene.

Good mission scenes throughout.

Good train scene.

Good tone to movie.

And the plot thickens.

Good climax scene.

Good ending.

Passed with 3 writers. Kudos.

Prom, 2011 Prom, 2011: PASS

Commercial Failure

Writer: Katie Wech

Director: Joe Nussbaum

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: A girl wants a guy to ask her to prom.

Story: Relationships, Character

Characters: Pass

Acting: Pass


Good intro.

Decent school scenes throughout.

Good prom asking scenes.

Oh the bad boy. Yah yah.

Good lab scene.

A bit over the top acting but it’s passable.

The pressure to be a forever couple. Yah yah.

Decent climax scene.

Good ending.

Not the best writing but passable. Not really a comedy though.

What's Your Number? 2011 What's Your Number? 2011: FAIL

Commercial Failure

Writer: Gabrielle Allan, Jennifer Crittenden

Director: Mark Mylod

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: An employer wants to fire a woman.

Story: Relationships, Character

Characters: Fail

Acting: Pass


Decent intro.

Good office observation scene.

Fail of boss scene.

Fail of house speech scene.

Good club scene.

Decent date scenes throughout.

Fail of flashback scenes throughout.

Fail of naked woman scene.

Gay after dating her. Jokes.

Good basketball scene.

Fail of friends scene.

Fail of climax scene.

Decent ending.

I wanted to pass this movie, but the writing wouldn't let me.

The Conspirator, 2011 The Conspirator, 2011: FAIL

Epic Commercial Failure

Writer: James D. Solomon

Director: Robert Redford

Dialogue: Fail

Plot: Someone wants to assassinate the president.

Story: Ambition, Ethics

Characters: Fail

Acting: Fail


Fail of intro.

Fail of party scene.

Fail of assassination scene.

Fail of barn scene.

Fail of office talk scene.

A lot of big names in this movie.

Fail of all court scenes.

Fail of all scenes. Complete Fail of writing, directing, acting.

Information of divine interest. Jokes.

Fail of flashback scenes throughout.

How did this movie get a wide release? Star power.

Fail of climax scene.

Fail of ending.

One of the worst movies of all time. This movie shouldn't have made $1.00. The fact that it made less than $20 million proves that God DOES exist.